The Voices of Military Alcatraz

Alcatraz Island
Alcatraz Island

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 14439

Between 1850 and 1934 Fortress Alcatraz guarded the San Francisco Bay and became a United States Disciplinary Barracks The stories shared here are from those who lived it, their voices now bring to life some of this era. Unlike the recorded details we are used to hearing these stories shed a personal light on what Alcatraz was all about when they were there.

For more Post on Alcatraces History

Post Exchange Alcatraz
The Post Exchange, as discussed by the Dungeons'.

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives

"If you were on duty at Fort McDowell, then Alcatraz was one of those places your didn't want to go to." - Arthur E. Dudgeon

McDowell barge at Alcatraz dock
General McDowell, Prisoner transport mentioned by Dr. Fahrenson.

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 44392

"One day I was an intern at Alameda County Hospital, the next day I’m wearing a uniform at [inaudible], and the next day I was a First Lieutenant in the Medical Corp. at Alcatraz." -Gail Fahrenson

Kids On Alcatraz
Kids on Alcatraz 1937

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 40017

"There were a lot, and Alcatraz wasn't as glorious." Ray Stewart, in response to the amount of kids on Alcatraz.

These oral histories may be used for any legitimate non-commercial public or press use with proper credit given to the National Park Service. If you have any questions or require additional information, please reach out to the Park Archives and Records Center’s reference archivist at 415-561-2807 or Contact Us.

For a Complete List of Oral Histories Available by Topic

Last updated: July 10, 2024

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