The Voices of Fort Mason

Fort Mason c1960s
Fort Mason

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 17139

Fort Mason was an active US military post from 1851 then the army turned the lands over to the National Park Service as part of the Golden Gate National Recreaion Area. Even with hundreds of years of stories at this place, here are a few that have been saved. Unlike army records, and military details that are usually easy to find, these stories also talk about the lives of the civilians and staff who lived and worked there, as remembered by them.

Click here for more history of Fort Mason
NPS Ranger Ann Jeong Awarded by Bill Whalen
Bill Whalen and NPS Ranger Ann Jeong

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 35339

"Well, my memory of names is almost zero at this point. However, I would state that the original legislation - Public Law 92-589 - which established the Golden Gate National Recreation Area transferred two portions of Fort Mason" -Col. Kern

1906 Camp at Fort Mason
1906 Earthquake and Fire Camp at Ft Mason

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 17966

"You see Fort Mason was a hell of a lot different then. That whole area where they have the Officers homes, and that now, that's been built. That was built since World War I. I was in World War I we used to use that whole area for our training course. Running and marching, you know." -John Hernan

Night Embarkation
Night Embarkation

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 32475

"why don't you get a job at Fort Mason because they are looking for people, and I just say, "I don't have any experience." I taught myself how to type and that's about the only thing I could do. I was a mediocre student I didn't graduate with any honors or anything like that. I said, "Well, I don't know anything," and she said to me, I don't know who she was, some girl that I knew. She says go to Fort Mason, go to the personnel department, and tell him what experience you've had." -Amelia Schmidt

SF 1906 Earthquake & Fire
1906 Earthquake and Fire

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 35256

"So she came back with this message that she had gotten that the whole city was going and that people could be evacuated from Fort Mason. And so we decided we didn't live there in that house, that we would go over to Oakland to some friends." - Miss McGivney

These oral histories may be used for any legitimate non-commercial public or press use with proper credit given to the National Park Service. If you have any questions or require additional information, please reach out to the Park Archives and Records Center’s reference archivist at 415-561-2807 or Contact Us.

For a Complete List of Oral Histories Available by Topic

For More Stories about Fort Mason

Listen to William R. Bennett discuss growing up on Army bases on The Voices of the Presidio

Return to the Oral Histories Main Page.

Last updated: July 10, 2024

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