The Presidio Army Museum Exhibit - History Comes to Life

GOGA-1766 Presidio Army Museum Photograph Collection PAM Modoc War, Army Wedding & Funston display
Three Presidio Army Museum permanent museum installations: the Indian Wars (left), a 19th-century wedding scene at the Presidio of San Francisco (center), and the career of General Frederick Funston (right).

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, PAM Prints Collecition, GOGA-1766


With the permanent exhibitions in place, the Presidio Army Museum opened on March 6, 1974 featuring special displays with posters from World War I, the role of women in World War I, home-front activities during World War II, San Francisco’s Own—the 91st Infantry Division, World War II (which included a section on General Stilwell), and modern uniforms from the 1960s to the 1990s.

The following are examples of special exhibitions staged by the museum.

GOGA-1766 Presidio Army Museum Collection Last Desparate Gamble
“The Last Desperate Gamble” exhibition poster, 1980.

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, PAM Collection, GOGA-1766

In 1980, the museum featured “The Last Desperate Gamble” which served as a memorial to the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. The opening ceremony was attended by the King of Belgium, who toured the exhibition which included a model of the Bastogne Battle and paratrooper equipment.

GOGA-1766 Presidio Army Museum Collection Ready & Forward
"Ready and Forward" exhibition poster, 1983.

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, PAM Collection, GOGA-1766

In 1983, the museum debuted its “Ready and Forward” exhibition outlining the history of the African American soldier from before the American Revolution, through the Civil War and the days of the Buffalo Soldier, up to the Vietnam War. The triumph of the exhibit was a display honoring Vietnam War veteran Lawrence Joel, winner of the prestigious Medal of Honor.

GOGA-1766 Presidio Army Museum Collection Forgotten Heroes
"Forgotten Heroes" exhibition poster, 1985.

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, PAM Collection, GOGA-1766

The “Forgotten Heroes” exhibition opened in 1985 and championed the contribution of the Filipino soldier to the U.S. Army from the Spanish American War through World War II.


Last updated: February 28, 2015

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