Living with the Land

Applications for 2023-2024 school year are now live, please complete the Education Reservation Request Form. For instructions on applying, please see the How to Apply section.
Students plant seedlings at the Quartermaster Reach restored wetland.
Students plant native plants at the new Quartermaster Reach restored wetland, part of the Ramaytush Ohlone ancestral homeland.



Grade 6


How does culture influence our relationship with the environment?

Living with the Land allows students to explore human relationship with the natural world from the perspective of Ohlone Indigenous knowledge and contrasting western science approaches. By observing the wetland’s past and present, students learn about what wetlands provide and how humans impact this habitat. The area called Crissy Field has changed greatly over time, reflecting the differing values of the people who have managed the land. Today, the restored wetland offers a rich habitat and an abundance of learning opportunities.

Living with the Land uses the Understanding by Design framework, incorporates Common Core Standards and Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies. The program is framed by the essential question- "How does culture influence our relationship with the environment?"

Soap root plant showing roots, bulb and leaves.
Soap Root

Linda Yamane

Program Structure

The Living with the Land program is structured in the following three-touch model:

  1. Classroom Preparation – Pre-site classroom lessons are facilitated by NPS staff and the teacher. During this session, teachers will introduce students to Ramaytush Ohlone values. NPS staff will introduce students to pre-contact California history and comparing/contrasting indigenous knowledge and western science.

  1. Field Session – Students investigate Crissy Marsh to understand human relationship to the land and the health of the ecosystem.

  2. Classroom Assessment – Teacher will lead students on an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned through writing or illustration.

Program’s Framework and Curriculum Links will be shared shortly.

Students investigate the bay shore
Students investigate the tidal marsh shoreline.


How to Apply

Please fill out the Education Reservation Request Form to request a program for your class (1 per classroom). Failure to complete this form may result in the inability to participate in program. The sections on the form that are labeled required must be completed.

Field visit –In-person field sessions are only offered Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays. Program duration is from 10am-3pm.

Program Registration Instructions

  1. Fully complete Section 1: Contact Information on the form.
  2. Complete the section 2, Park Visit/Field Trip—grade, preferred date of visit, alternative dates, etc. Add TWO alternative field visit dates for your park visit. You do not need to fill out your contact information again, please go directly to the grade section.


Number of Students

Number of Chaperones

Preferred Date of Visit

(Please keep in mind the days of the week when program is offered)

Preferred Program Start Time

Alternative Date(s)

(Be sure to include 2 alternative dates)

Anticipated Arrival Time

(Skip this part)

Anticipated Departure Time

Mode of Transportation

(Charter buses)

  1. For section 3, indicate when you prefer the in-person classroom preparation to take place—preferred date of program, start time, alternative date(s), etc. You do not need to complete contact information again, please go directly to the grade section.



(Skip this section)

Number of Students

(Skip this section)

Preferred Date of Program

(Please keep in mind that pre-visit lessons with NPS staff are only offered on Tuesdays – preferably the week of your scheduled field session)

Alternative Date(s)

(please be sure alternative dates are only on Tuesdays)

Preferred Program Start Time

(Pre-visit lessons are only offered between 9am-1:30pm)

Time Zone of Classroom

(Skip this section – programs are only offered to local Bay Area students)

  1. Skip Section 4
  2. After completing the Education Reservation Request Form, please email a signed copy to
  • Please have the name of the requested program in the email Subject line.

Please Note--
Due to a high volume of requests, it will take a couple of business days to be contacted by a ranger. Do NOT book in-person field trip sessions on late or early release school dates. Plan for an 9:00 AM pick-up and 3:30 PM drop-off. In order to book the correct bus size, please provide a true estimate of the students and adults, including chaperones that will be participating in the program.

Please contact if you have any questions or need support with filling out the form.

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1 minute, 28 seconds

Gregg Castro acknowledges Crissy Marsh as part of the Ohlone ancestral homeland, Yelamu.


Last updated: December 12, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Golden Gate National Recreation Area
201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


United States Park Police Dispatch: Non-Emergency: 415-561-5505 Emergency: 415-561-5656

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