Alcatraz Occupation: Power in Community

Applications for 2023-2024 school year are now live, please complete the Education Reservation Request Form. For instructions on applying, please see the How to Apply section.
Two students write notes and discuss with a Park Ranger inside the Red Power on Alcatraz Exhibit
Students asking a NPS Ranger questions during an education program

NPS / Kirke Wrench


Grades 9-12th

What motivates a community to take civic action?

Students focus on the 1969-1971 American Indian Occupation struggle for sovereignty and self-determination. They learn through narratives of people who were involved in the Occupation, and conduct field investigations by using the physical environment and historic clues to deepen their understanding of the movement.

Alcatraz Occupation: Power in Community uses the Understanding by Design framework, incorporates Common Core Standards and Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies. The program is framed by the essential question - What motivates a community to take civic action?


Program Structure

The program is structured in the following three-touch model:

  1. Classroom Preparation – Teachers complete 1 pre-lesson with resources provided by the park addressing an introduction to Alcatraz and what led to the Occupation. A pre-visit lesson by NPS staff is also offered before the field session – please share details about preferred NPS staff visit in the Education Reservation Request Form.

  1. Field Session – the island experience in which students conduct a field investigation of the Occupation. Please share details about preferred date in the Education Reservation Request Form.

  1. Classroom Assessment – opportunities for students to demonstrate what they have learned through a photo project of their investigations on Alcatraz. Please email or mail back student work to NPS staff.

Click on the links below to assess the programs framework and curriculum.

Program’s Framework and Curriculum Links will be shared shortly


How to Apply

Please fill out the Education Reservation Request Form to apply to an education program for your class (1 per classroom). Failure to complete this form may result in the inability to participate in program.

Pre-virtual visits with NPS staff are only offered on Tuesdays.

Field visit –In-person field sessions are only offered Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Program Registration Instructions

  1. Fully complete Section 1, under Contact Information

*In the “Describe Need” box, please let us know if you need any special accommodations for the steep switchback roads up to the cellhouse on Alcatraz.

  1. Complete the following for section 2, under Park Visit/Field Trip. You do not need to complete contact information again, please go directly to the grade section.


Grade Number of Students Number of Chaperones
Preferred Date of Visit

(Please keep in mind the days of the week when program is offered)
Preferred Program Start Time

(Subject to ferry departure)
Alternative Date(s)

(Be sure to include 2 alternative dates)
Anticipated Arrival Time

(Skip this part)
Anticipated Departure Time

(Please add your preferred ferry departure time from Alcatraz Landing to get to the Island: Check departure schedule here: Departure Schedule - Alcatraz Cruises | City Experiences)
Mode of Transportation

(Free ferry's are offered to classes who participate in education programs with a ranger)

Skip Section 3
  • Complete the following for section 4, under Group Details – Virtual/Distance Learning Program (to schedule a virtual pre-lesson with a ranger).
  • You do not need to complete contact information again, please go directly to the grade section.

(Skip this section)
Number of Students

(Skip this section)
Preferred Date of Program

(Please keep in mind that pre-visit lessons with NPS staff are only offered on Tuesdays – preferably the week of your scheduled field session on Alcatraz)
Alternative Date(s)

(please be sure alternative dates are only on Tuesdays)
Preferred Program Start Time

(Pre-visit lessons are only offered between 9am-1:30pm)
Time Zone of the Classroom

(Skip this section – programs are only offered to local Bay Area students)
  1. After completing the Education Reservation Request Form, please email a signed copy to

  • Please have the name of the requested program in the email Subject line.

Please Note--

  • Due to a high volume of requests, it will take a couple of business days to be contacted by NPS Staff.

  • Please keep in mind, it is best to take an earlier boat to Alcatraz – please check the schedule to include your preferred departure time in the Education Reservation Request Form: Departure Schedule - Alcatraz Cruises | City Experiences

Please contact if you have any questions or need support with filling out the form.

Last updated: December 6, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Golden Gate National Recreation Area
201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


United States Park Police Dispatch: Non-Emergency: 415-561-5505 Emergency: 415-561-5656

Contact Us
