The Going-to-the-Sun Road is closed for the season at Lake McDonald Lodge on the west side and 1.5 miles west of St. Mary Visitor Center on the east side. Winter weather may change these locations at any time. More
Due to extremely limited parking during construction in the Swiftcurrent area, personal vehicle access into Many Glacier will be restricted from July 1-September 21, 2025. A temporary shuttle service will be provided for hikers wanting to access the area. More
Many songbird species are in trouble. With this kit, you can help your students appreciate our songbirds and learn how we can all work together to make sure that their songs always herald spring in the Americas.
from the Songbird Blues Curriculum
This dynamic songbird kit is geared for the classroom as well as outdoors. Resource materials, activities, videos, a felt storyboard, posters, recorded bird songs, and puppets all help students learn more about the natural history of several songbirds.
The Songbird Trunk is a great way to get students thinking about the amazing feat of migration and where our summer songbirds disappear to every winter. It contains wonderful cultural connections with peoples living in Central and South America.
Lesson Plans
This trunk contains curriculum materials for grades K-5. The Songbird Blues: Exploring Migratory Songbirds of the Americas has lesson plans for grades K-5 while the Fiesta! Mexico and Central America: A Global Awareness Program has lessons plans for grades 2-5. Both curricula focus on songbirds in Montana-learning about their other life in the tropics, finding out about problems they face in their summer and winter homes, and learning how to take part in conservation efforts to conserve and protect songbirds and thier habitats.
Feathered Travelers: Neotropical Migratory Birds of the Americas. Deinlein, M. and Anderton, J. 2001.
Flute's Journey: The Life of a Wood Thrush. Cherry, L. 1997. (ISBN: 015314369X)
How Do Birds Find Their Way? (Let's Read-And-Find-Out Science). Gans, R. 1996. (ISBN: 0780762037)
The Hummingbird King: A Guatemalan Legend. Palacios, A. 1993. (ISBN: 0816730520)
Save My Rainforest. Zac, M. 1993. (ISBN: 0153022345)
The Spruce Tree and the Chickadee
Field Guides
Birds of North America. Kaufman, K. 2000. (ISBN: 0395964644)
Birds of the Rocky Mountains. Fisher, C. 1997. (ISBN: 1551050919)
A Field Guide to the Birds Coloring Book. Alden, P. and Peterson, R. 1982. (ISBN: 0395325218)
Montana Birds. Putnam, C. and Kennedy, G. 2005. (ISBN: 1551054639)
National Audubon Society Field Guide to Birds: Western Region. Udvardy, M. 2004. (ISBN: 0679428518)
Peterson First Guides to Birds. Peterson, R. 1986. (ISBN: 0395906660)
Stokes Beginner's Guide to Birds: Western Region. Stokes, D. and Stokes, L. 1996. (ISBN: 0316818127) 8 copies
Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Western Region. Stokes, D. and Stokes, L. 1996. 0316818100
A Field Guide to Western Bird Songs: Western North America Audio CD. Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. 1992. (ISBN: 0395975190)
North American Birds: Peterson Multimedia Guides.Houghton Mifflin Interactive. 1996. Multimedia CD-ROM. (ISBN: 0395900689)
Peterson Field Guides: Western Bird Songs. Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. 1991. Interactive audio CD
Peterson Western Bird Songs cassette tapes. Peterson, R. 1992. (ISBN: 039551746X)
Songbird Symphony: Dan Gibson's Solitudes, Exploring Nature with Music.Somerset Entertainment. Audio CD
Voices of the Songbirds cassette tape-Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting, American Redstart, Rufous Hummingbird, Sainson's Thrush, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Boblink, Brown-headed Cowbird, Western Tanager, Lazuli Bunting
Winged Migration: Presented by Jacques Perrin.Sony Pictures Classics. 2003. Video DVD. (ISBN: 1404917535)
Posters-Tracking the Journey, Migration of the Western Hemisphere, Tropical Birds in Your Backyard
Bird Puppets
Create-A-Bird-Habitat felt board
Birds of North America playing cards
Boreal Forest Magazines
Birds in a Changing Climate Magazines
Eight (8) pairs of binoculars
Borrowing Instructions
All of Glacier's traveling trunks are free of charge and can be borrowed for 2-4 weeks at a time, but must be picked-up and dropped-off in person. (Sorry, it is not possible to mail the trunks.) To arrange to borrow a trunk please submit a reservation form found on the main Traveling Trunks page.