Since the mid-eighteenth century, African Americans have been a part of life on Cockspur, their presence often taken for granted by the whites who lived and worked alongside them, with their legacy largely undocumented by historians. The goal of this project is twofold: first to illuminate the experiences of African Americans at the fort and second to foster a deeper understanding of Fort Pulaski’s role in the history of African Americans in both the Lowcountry and the nation overall.
For additional information: This special history study was prepared by Julie de Chatnal, Heidi Moye, and Anastatia Sims in April 2022. It was created for Fort Pulaski National Monument in cooperation with the Organization of American Historians. African Americans at Fort Pulaski, 1733-1900: A Special History Study Showing results 1-6 of 6
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Last updated: December 17, 2024