
Underground Railroad at Fort Pulaski

A sketch of a African American man wearing a suit.
March Haynes ferried freedom seekers to the safety of Fort Pulaski.

The Underground Railroad refers to efforts of enslaved people seeking freedom by escaping from bondage. Many slaves were assisted in their efforts by abolitionists and other civilians. They would open their homes and businesses to help people move to safe destinations and eventual freedom.

Following the fall of Fort Pulaski, Union Major General David Hunter issued General Order No. 7 on April 13, 1862. It stated that "All persons of color lately held in involuntary service by enemies of the United States in Fort Pulaski and on Cockspur Island, Georgia are hereby confiscated and declared free, in conformity with the law, and shall hereafter receive the fruits of their own labor."

Many enslaved people would make their way to Fort Pulaski, some under the guidance of a former slave, March Haynes. Under the cover of darkness, Haynes would bring hundreds of escaped slaves to the Union command of Fort Pulaski. Once on the island, the newly freed slaves took up residence in the fort's old workers village.

Many of the men who arrived at Fort Pulaski joined together to form one of the first colored troops division during the Civil War. These men became the members of the 1st and 3rd South Carolina Volunteers, seeing action late in the war.

Due to General David Hunter's orders, hundreds of freedom seekers gained their freedom at Fort Pulaski and Cockspur Island, one of the southernmost points on the vast Underground Railroad network.

Fort Pulaski National Monument

Last updated: February 11, 2024