Swim in the Lake

Swimming goggles are shown above a circular red and white life preserver, which is shown above yellow swim fins.
Remember to always be safe when you go swimming!
It's warm out, so you can refresh yourself with a nice swim in the lake. The lake is relatively shallow, so you won't have to worry about it being too deep.

However, you should always be cautious while you're swimming. Read and follow the safety tips below whenever you go swimming.

While you're having fun, you always want to make sure that you're being safe and that you're aware of your surroundings. In this freshwater lake are different types of living things, so keep an eye out to see how each living creature interacts with each other and the surroundings.

Then choose what you want to do while swimming.

Swimming Safety Tips:

  • Only go swimming if there's adult supervision and have a buddy system.
  • Know the depth of the water.
  • Never go swimming during a storm when there's lightening.
  • Don't eat or chew gum while you're swimming or diving underwater.
  • Have a first aid kit nearby, and someone who knows CPR.
  • Be careful of underwater currents and waves.
  • Don't swim in rivers or fast-moving waters.
  • Don't overdo yourself while swimming; slowly build-up your endurance.
Artist rendition showing an aerial view of the ancient lake surrounded by a forest.
Aerial view of Ancient Lake Florissant.

NPS Graphic


At the lake, what do you want to do?

  1. Swim in slime
  2. Explore the lake underwater

Last updated: December 13, 2020

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P.O. Box 185
Florissant, CO 80816


719 748-3253

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