In science theories are explanations proposed by scientists that are tested to see if they are correct. Evidence is used to either support or to disprove a theory. Geologists and paleontologists develop theories using the evidence they find in the field such as fossils. A scientist named Alfred Wegener is credited with developing the modern theory of plate tectonics. In this activity you will explore this fun theory Wegener gave us. You will need:
The theory of plate tectonics states that the Earth’s crust (the fourth layer of the Earth) is broken up into pieces or plates that move while float on top of the denser mantle. It is the movements of these plates that cause things such as earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building and the movement of continents. InstructionsStep One:Can you name each of the continents? Write their names on them with the pencil. You can look at a world map to help. Step Two:Cut out the continents by cutting along the dotted lines. Line them up how they would appear on a map of the world. If you would like to, color them in. Do you notice anything about their shapes? Step Three:Try to arrange the continents so that they fit together like a puzzle.
Wegener's theory of plate tectonics was based on geological, paleontological, and climatological evidence that he found. Some of the things he noticed were
Step Four:Look at the fossil evidence that Wegener found and see if it helps you fit the continents together. What Wegener found suggests that at some point in time the continents had all been connected.The large landmass created by all the continents being joined together is called a supercontinent. It is likely that over the Earth’s long lifetime multiple supercontinents have been formed and broken apart. The most recent supercontinent was named Pangaea (meaning “all earth”). This is the supercontinent that dinosaurs were walking on. Step Five:Look at the map of Pangaea and compare it to how you arranged you continents. Were you close? Do you think the tectonic plates are still moving today? Because they are! But they move so slowly that we can't feel it. What do you think could cause them to move? Most scientists agree that there are convection cells in the mantle where magma is rising and sinking as it is heated by the core and cools under the crust making the magma move in a circle. This causes the plates to be pushed along at the top of those circles. Sometimes the movement of the plates causes them to scrape against each other or get pushed under or over one another. This is what causes earthquakes. Have you felt an earthquake before? If so, you have firsthand experience with evidence of the plates moving! Why do you think Australian animals are so different from those on other continents? Scientists believe that Australia broke off from Pangaea earlier than the rest allowing the animals on the new continent to adapt to their surroundings separately from those on the other continents. New Words!
Last updated: August 16, 2022