Let's Time Travel

The Florissant Valley

Before you travel to the past, look at what the modern Florissant Valley looks like today. Valleys are usually found in between big hills or mountains and are longer than they are wide. What you can't see in the picture below are the thousands of fossils under the Florissant Valley.

Fossils are any preserved remains of once-living things such as their skeletons, imprints, or traces. Paleontology is the study of fossils: how they formed, their age, and their importance to evolution, which is how organisms develop through time. Through studying fossils, we learn a great deal about the past and how places change through time.
An artist rendition of the modern Florissant Valley which shows a distant forest and rolling green hills beneath a blue sky.
This is what modern Florissant Valley looks like today.

NPS / Karen Ceballos

Now that you saw the Visitor Center at Florissant Fossil Beds and the Florissant Valley, it's time to go explore Eocene Florissant. The secret to time traveling is through this smartphone app called the "Time Machine."

*Note: this is a fictional app and does not exist. Click on the link or image below to continue.

Tap on the smartphone to travel back in time!

A GIF image of a smartphone shows an app called the "Time Machine" shows a screen with a blue hourglass inside a blue circle. A magical light with sparkles illuminates the phone from the bottom.

NPS Graphic / Karen Ceballos & Astrid Garcia

Last updated: December 15, 2020

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719 748-3253

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