News Release

Accident Damages Historic Structures in Wright-Dunbar

Peices of wood, metal and glass jut out of a damaged storefront.

NPS Photo/ D. Martin

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News Release Date: October 25, 2023

Contact: Ryan Qualls, 937-225-7705

DAYTON - The Wright-Dunbar Interpretive Center and Aviation Trail Parachute Museum were damaged by a vehicle collision on Tuesday, October 24. 

The single-car crash occurred near the intersection of W. Third Street and S. Williams St. just before 2:30 a.m., resulting in the closure of the intersection for three hours as the accident was investigated.

Park operations were not affected by the crash, which occurred along the north side of the buildings. The visitor center remains open from 9:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. daily. The historic entrances to the Setzer and Hoover block buildings sustained damage, but efforts to secure and repair the structures are underway.

The Hoover block, now called the Wright-Dunbar Interpretive Center, was the location of the Wright brothers' printing shop from 1890 through 1895. Wilbur and Orville started their careers as printers and operated firms in several locations in the area before taking on cycling and later experimental flight. The Hoover block building is one of only two properties intact today associated with the brothers' printing endeavors. They continued the printing business in conjunction with their bicycle and aviation interests until 1899 when the printing business was sold.  

The Dayton Police Department does not yet know the cause of the accident and have no indication of any injuries associated with the crash.

For additional information on Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park go to Find us on social media at, and @DaytonAviationNHP on Instagram.

Last updated: October 26, 2023

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