Field Trips
Bring your class to Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park and immerse your students in history that only a first-hand experience can deliver. Tour the Wright-Dunbar Interpretive Center and learn about the Wright Brothers and Paul Laurence Dunbar and what made them the iconic figures they are today. It's a unique educational experience that your class will never forget.
All Field TripsCurriculum Materials
Here you will find ten place-based lesson plans for your classes. Most plans can be done in the classroom while others will require a visit to Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park. These lesson plans were developed by Teacher-Ranger-Teacher Langston Watras who has been an art teacher for the Dayton Public School District for over ten years and one year at Trotwood-Madison Schools.
All Curriculum MaterialsCurriculum Materials
Developed in partnership by Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park and the Dayton Daily News Newspapers in Education (NIE) program, this curriculum guide focuses on the Wright brothers' work in Dayton, Ohio, which led to the invention of free, controlled and sustained flight in a power-driven, heavier-than-air machine. The activities are designed for grades 5-8.
All Curriculum MaterialsCurriculum Materials
The Wright Brothers and Paul Laurence Dunbar. A Study of: Flying Machines, Propellers, Catapults, & Printing Process. This teacher's guide is divided into segments, Pre K-2; 3-5; 6-8 and 9-12. Each section has four lessons except 9-12 which has two. Written by Tim Carey, Linda Freeman, Jeanette McNally, and Mary Webb.
All Curriculum MaterialsCurriculum Materials
This "Teaching with Historic Places" lesson plan will help students and educators discover the importance of the park as the location for the Wright brothers' mechanical development as well as a primary source for aviation history. It can also be used in social studies and geography courses in units on technological and scientific advances at the turn of the 20th Century, and aviation history.
All Curriculum MaterialsLast updated: June 23, 2015