Trails will be temporarily closed between Red Lock Trailhead and Brandywine Creek from Monday, March 3, to Friday, May 2, 2025 for installation of a new Brandywine Creek culvert. No detour is available.
This map shows 15 park destinations and their addresses. We recommend checking our current conditions page for more information before visiting, as changing conditions are not reflected on this map.
A map shows most of Cuyahoga Valley National Park, an irregularly shaped area shaded in light green. In, around, and through the park, many gray roadways and thicker highways snake in various directions. A few roadways are depicted in green, and the legend indicates these are “suggested driving routes”. At the top in a green band is a heading, “Addresses for Drivers” and below it along the left side are 15 destinations listed with their addresses and amenities. The destinations correspond to 15 numbered circles on the map, which start in the top left corner and generally proceed numerically from north to south. An arrow near the top of the map points up toward Cleveland and an area at the bottom points down toward Akron. The destination listings read as follows:
Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad (Rockside Station), 7900 Old Rockside Road, Independence 44131, with icons for information, restrooms, wheelchair accessibility, restaurants, train station, and oversized vehicle parking (day only);
Canal Exploration Center, 7104 Canal Road, Valley View 44125, with icons for information, restrooms, wheelchair accessibility, train station, and oversized vehicle parking (day only);
Bridal Veil Falls, Gorge Parkway, Walton Hills 44146, with an icon for waterfall;
Great Falls of Tinkers Creek, Willis Street, Bedford 44264, with an icon for waterfall;
Brecksville Nature Center, 9000 Chippewa Creek Drive, Brecksville 44141, with icons for information, restrooms, wheelchair accessibility, and wildlife viewing;
Station Road Bridge, Riverview Road and Chippewa Creek Drive, Brecksville 44141, with icons for restrooms, wheelchair accessibility, wildlife viewing, train station, and oversized vehicle parking (day only);
Brandywine Falls, 8176 Brandywine Road, Sagamore Hills 44067, with icons for restrooms, wheelchair accessibility, and waterfall;
Boston Mill Visitor Center, 6947 Riverview Road, Peninsula 44264, with icons for information, restrooms, wheelchair accessibility, train station, and oversized vehicle parking (day only); a note reads, “oversized vehicles park in overflow lot”;
Blue Hen Falls, 6947 Riverview Road, Peninsula 44264, with an icon for waterfall; a note reads, “parking on the road is prohibited”;
Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad (Peninsula Depot), 1630 Mill Street, Peninsula 44264, with icons for information, restrooms, wheelchair accessibility, restaurants, train station, and oversized vehicle parking (day only); a note reads, “oversized vehicles park in overflow lot”;
Ledges, 405 Truxell Road, Peninsula 44264, with icons for restrooms and oversized vehicle parking (day only);
Kendall Lake, 1000 Truxell Road, Peninsula 44264, with icons for restrooms, wheelchair accessibility, and oversized vehicle parking (day only);
Hunt House, 2054 Bolanz Road, Peninsula 44264, with icons for information, restrooms, and wheelchair accessibility;
Everett Covered Bridge, 2370 Everett Road, Peninsula 44264, with icons for restrooms, wheelchair accessibility, and oversized vehicle parking (day only);
Beaver Marsh (Ira Trailhead), 3801 Riverview Road, Peninsula 44264”, with icons for restrooms, wheelchair accessibility, and wildlife viewing.