Compendium of Designations, Closures, Permit Requirements and Other Restrictions imposed under the discretionary authority of the Superintendent; Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1.
National Park Service (NPS) regulations applicable to the protection and equitable public use of units of the National Park System grant specified authorities to a park superintendent to allow or restrict certain activities. NPS regulations are found in Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and created under authority and responsibility granted the Secretary of Interior in Titles 54 and 18 of the United States Code. The following compendium comprises a listing of NPS regulations where the Superintendent has exercised discretionary authority to make designations or impose public use restrictions or conditions in park areas. The applicability and scope of the compendium is articulated in 36 CFR Section 1.2
A complete and accurate picture of regulations governing use and protection of the unit can only be gained by viewing this compendium in context with the full body of applicable regulations found in Title 36.
This Compendium supersedes all previous versions.
Note: Maps showing designated areas mentioned throughout this document are maintained at Bryce Canyon National Park Headquarters.
The following areas are closed or restricted as indicated below. Additional locations may be closed or restricted by the posting of appropriate signs.
The superintendent has determined that this is the least restrictive measure necessary to maintain the safe and orderly flow of traffic, allow for emergency vehicle ingress and egress, and minimize resource impacts.
The superintendent has determined that this is the least restrictive measure necessary to maintain safe and equitable access to this facility.
The NPS and concessions residential areas, including their roads and parking lots, employee parking area on the northwest side of the visitor center building, Maintenance area, Water Tank area, Mixing Circle area, Yovimpa Well House, Sewage Lagoons, East Creek water supply well area and service roads within those areas, as shown on attached “Areas Closed to Public Access – North and South” maps are closed to public entry and use except for authorized service or emergency vehicles or with specific authorization from the superintendent.
The superintendent has determined that this is the least restrictive measure necessary to maintain physical security of tools, supplies, materials, and equipment, privacy of residents, and for public safety.
The sewage lagoons represent a potential hazard to the general public. Both the sewage lagoons and the water tanks may be considered a potential target for homeland security concerns. Closing these areas represents a minimal impact to the public while maintaining physical security of potential unsecured installations.
All roads within Bryce Canyon National Park are closed to all off-highway vehicles (OHVs), all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), utility terrain vehicles (UTVs) and other motorized conveyances manufactured for recreational non-highway, off road, or all terrain travel.[1] These vehicles are defined as Type I and Type II ATVs by the State of Utah 41-22-2. This definition includes any vehicle registered as a “street legal ATV/UTV” and/or eligible for a state ATV/UTV registration sticker. These vehicles will hereafter be referred to as OHVs.
The superintendent has determined that this is the least restrictive measure necessary to protect environmental and scenic values, implement management responsibilities for visitor enjoyment and equitable use while avoiding conflict amongst visitor use activities.
OHVs are designed, produced, and marketed for the purpose of off-road travel, and they are uniquely capable of easily leaving paved and dirt road surfaces and traveling cross-country. Their capability to readily do so, the resource damage caused by off-road travel, and the lack of effective mitigation measures make their use unlawful in Bryce Canyon National Park.
Restoration of resources is difficult once damage has occurred. Prohibiting the use of OHVs is the most effective measure available in preventing resource damage resulting from off-road use.
OHVs, ATVs, and similar vehicles have long been prohibited within national parks and monuments by assimilation of state law. Maintaining that prohibition by application of 36 CFR 1.5 would not constitute an alteration of a public use pattern of the parks. Maintaining the current prohibition prevents adverse impacts to park resources. It would not be controversial since it would not be a change and because the public clearly accepts the current restriction. On the other hand, terminating the prohibition would be controversial, would constitute an alteration of a public use pattern, and would adversely affect park resources.
In accordance with the provisions of 36 CFR 1.5, and the requirements of the National Park Service Management Policies (2006) Section 1.5, the protection of environmental and scenic values, the protection of natural and cultural resources, and for the implementation of management responsibilities, it is necessary to continue the current prohibition against OHVs as defined above (Utah State Code 41-22-2).
Motorcycles (Utah State Code 41-22-2(11)) and tricycles designed, equipped, and licensed for highway use are not included in these definitions.
Under NPS management policies, (, on-duty NPS employees may use OHVs or UTVs on a case-by-case basis as part of their official work duties when the use of an OHV or UTV with specific advantages is essential to promoting efficiency for a project, promoting employee safety, and supporting park wide sustainability goals. Under this allowance, staff will predominately use administrative roads within Bryce Canyon that are closed to the public and avoid public roads within Bryce Canyon whenever possible. Only street legal OHVs may be used by park staff and all requirements (licensed driver, safety belts, required equipment) must be met.
The meadow at Dave’s Hollow, bounded by the Visitor Center Overflow parking lot, Hwy 63, Lodge Loop Rd, and the Shared Use Path; the East Meadow south of the Visitor Center and East of Hwy 63, and other meadows and areas delineated by barriers, fences, railings, and closure signs and shown on attached “Closed Meadows” map are closed to public entry and use, except where specifically authorized by the superintendent. (see description below)
The superintendent has determined that this is the least restrictive measure necessary for resource protection and public safety. These meadow areas are translocation sites for the threatened Utah Prairie dog, and visitor entry can disrupt critical mating and foraging activities. Further, Utah Prairie dogs host fleas which transmit Sylvatic plague, a serious health risk to humans. Visitor entry into these areas creates social trails, increasing soil erosion, leading to unsafe conditions such as rock fall and potential damage to geologic features.
Dave’s Hollow West meadow is bound by Highway 63 to the east and confined by encroaching ponderosa pine to the north south and west. Dave’s Hollow East meadow is bound by the North Campground access road to the north, multi-use path to the east, Highway 63 to the west, and lodge loop road to the south. Mixing Circle meadow is bound by the Mixing Circle access road to the south, the horse coral to the west, and encroaching ponderosa pine to the north and east. Mixing Circle Junction meadow is bound by Highway 63 to the east and encroaching ponderosa pine forests to the north, south, and west. Lastly, East Creek Meadow is bound Highway 63 to the south, the park boundary to the north and encroaching ponderosa pine forests to the east and west.
The superintendent has determined that this is the least restrictive measure necessary to maintain public safety and preclude visitor conflicts. Stopping, standing, or parking outside of established parking areas leads to resource damage along the road shoulder. Additionally, when not in an established parking area or pull off, vehicles tend to remain partially in the roadway thereby causing a traffic obstruction. Parking or blocking shuttle bus stops prevent shuttles from picking up and dropping off passengers resulting in additional congestion and delays.
Idling is prohibited. All vehicles, including commercial tours, private tour companies, RVs and passenger vehicles, with the exception of marked emergency vehicles, are required to turn off their engines when parked.
The superintendent has determined that this measure is necessary to protect natural resources and visitor enjoyment by limiting noise pollution that is inconsistent with the soundscape in the National Park, and vehicle emissions which impact Bryce Canyon’s pristine air quality.
The superintendent has determined that this restriction is necessary due to incompatibility of bus and dump station connections, which may result in sewage spills.
The superintendent has determined that this is the least restrictive measure necessary to prevent unchecked development of social trails in areas of archeological, scenic, and biological significance, and concerns of geocache prohibited. Geocaching also violates the following regulations: 36 CFR Section 2.22(a) (2), 2.1(a) (I), 2.31(a) (3)
Launching, landing, or operating an unmanned aircraft from or on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service within the boundaries of Bryce Canyon National Park is prohibited except as approved in writing by the Superintendent. This prohibition includes pilots with FAA licenses.
Definition: The term “unmanned aircraft” means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the device, and the associated operational elements and components that are required for the pilot or system operator in command to operate or control the device (such as cameras, sensors, communication links). The term includes all types of devices that meet this definition (e.g., model airplanes, quadcopters, and drones) that are used for any purpose including for recreation or commerce.
Use of “unmanned aircraft” within Bryce Canyon is not a compatible use with the purpose of wilderness management, preservation of natural soundscape, natural wildlife including endangered species, conflicts with motor vehicle traffic, and intrusion on other visitors’ enjoyment of the park. Less restrictive use of “unmanned aircraft” will not provide the protection to wildlife such as the Utah prairie dog and peregrine falcons or the visitor experience of solitude and natural quiet in Bryce Canyon’s recommended wilderness.
Attaching or suspending any item from trees is prohibited, as is attaching any item to trees or vegetation with nails, wire, or chains.
The superintendent has determined that this is the least restrictive measure necessary to protect environmental and scenic values within the park. The dominant tree species in Bryce Canyon campgrounds is the ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa). Seasonal weather events, insects and disease determine forest health. Because trees in campgrounds are under additional stress, attaching or suspending any item from the trees is prohibited. No matter what attachment method is used, including hammock webbing, nails, wire, or chains. Items that may not be attached or suspended include, but are not limited to hammocks, clotheslines, slacklines, candles, or lanterns.
Unless expressly authorized, Federal law prohibits the possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapon in NPS facilities. These buildings include, but are not limited to, government offices, visitor centers, ranger stations, fee collection buildings, and maintenance facilities.
This closure clarifies applicability of Title 18 U.S.C. 930 to park facilities.
1.5(a)(2) Designations of areas for, restrictions or conditions on specific uses or activities
Hiking and pedestrian use is restricted to designated trails and walkways in the areas shown on “Designated Pedestrian Use” maps. Geologic features including hoodoos, arches, bridges, and cliff faces are closed to walking, climbing, ascending, descending, rappelling, or traversing regardless of location within the park.
The superintendent has determined that these conditions are the least restrictive required for the protection of environmental and scenic values, maintenance of public health and safety, and implementation of management responsibilities to preserve features identified for protection in the park’s enabling legislation. Due to concerns of unchecked development of social trails in areas of archeological, scenic, and biological significance, hiking or leaving established trails is prohibited.
The natural features the park was established to protect were created through a process of erosion over hundreds of thousands of years. Climbing on these fragile features would substantially accelerate the erosion process thereby causing failure and destruction of such features. Additionally, the fragile nature of the features would pose an increased risk of falling rocks that could seriously injure the public.
The superintendent has determined that this is the least restrictive measure necessary to equitably manage parking for visitor safety. Designated bus parking spots allow for the safe and orderly parking of full-size motor coaches.
All areas below the Bryce Canyon Rim are closed to skiing, snowboarding, sledding or sliding devices with the exception of cross-country skiing, which is permitted on the backcountry trails such as the Under the Rim trail and Riggs Spring Loop trail. Cross-country skiing is also permitted on the Rim Trail, Shared Use Path and the Paria Ski Loop.
The superintendent has determined that this is the least restrictive measure necessary to protect park environmental and scenic values. Skiing, snowboarding, sledding, and using other sliding devices pose a risk to park resources, as well as significant potential hazards to visitors. The snowpack is quite variable and often times very thin. The carving, turning nature of skiing, snowboarding and similar downhill activities can cause significant damage to geologic formation accelerating erosion of protected resources.
Authorized Low Speed Vehicles operated by park employees or contractors are limited to the areas of paved roadway, across the Shared-use Path from the lodge to the cabins and sidewalks at the Bryce Canyon Lodge, Concession Housing area, Mixing Circle Area, and General Store, including the roads leading thereto. All vehicles and operators will comply with State law for low-speed vehicles (UC 41-6a-1508).
The superintendent has determined that this is the least restrictive measure necessary to allow the use of low-speed vehicles as an efficient manner to conduct business and comply with carbon footprint restrictions within the National Park while protecting public safety. Operation on these sidewalks and roads produces little impact to visitor traffic as these are low speed limit areas. Operation outside of these areas is prohibited due to the faster nature of traffic that could lead to increased motor vehicle collisions. A low-speed vehicle is defined as a vehicle designed for operation at speeds of not more than 25mph and has a capacity of not more than 4 passengers including the driver.
The use of strollers, wheelchairs, motorized wheelchairs, and electric carts similar to wheelchairs are allowed on the following trails for mobility purposes:
- Shared Use Path
- Campgrounds, parking areas, and sidewalks to public access buildings
- Access trails from Sunset Campground to Sunset Point and from North Campground to the Visitor Center, including crossing park road
- Fairyland Point, Sunset Point, Lower Inspiration Point, Paria Point, and every paved viewpoint south of the Rainbow Gate
- The Rim Trail between Sunset Point and Sunrise Point Parking area, taking the lower trail that does not go uphill to Sunrise Point, and
- Access trails from the Lodge to the Rim Trail between Sunset and Sunrise Points
The superintendent has determined that this measure appropriately allows for equitable visitor use and access while protecting environmental and scenic values and safety. These areas are closed to all vehicles except those identified above for mobility purposes in order to protect the park’s natural, scenic, and aesthetic values and minimize disturbance to wildlife or park resources.
Due to the size and configuration of the parking areas, there is inadequate room to turn a motor vehicle around that is longer than 20 feet in total length. Allowing longer vehicles in those parking areas leads to an increased number of motor vehicle collisions.
- During Shuttle Operating Hours, vehicles, or vehicle combinations, with an overall length greater than 23 feet, including vehicles operating under a Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) with a seating capacity of 25 or less, are prohibited from parking at the following locations, as shown on attached “Parking Restriction” map.
Visitor Center
Sunrise Point/General Store/Outdoor Theater parking
Gravel parking lot next to Canyon Trail Rides barn
Parking areas adjacent to the Sunrise and Sunset Motel Units
Historic Service Station (bike rentals)
Sunset Point
Inspiration Point
Bryce Point
Bryce Canyon Lodge
Paria Viewpoint
Due to the size and configuration of the parking areas, during peak visitation there is inadequate room to safely maneuver and park in these areas.
1.6 (f) Uses requiring Permits
In accordance with 36 CFR 1.6(f), the following activities require Permits or listing as a specific, approved scope of work in a contract or agreement:
- Operating a Power Saw in developed area (residents of government quarters may operate power saws in the immediate vicinity of their quarters without permit.)
- Operating any type of motor in non-developed areas. (see attached “Restricted Motorized Equipment” map)
- Operation of a public address system
- Business operations
- Commercial Filming
- Commercial Guiding
- Camping
- Collecting (research specimens)
- Display of Commercial notices or advertisements- Using, possessing, storing, transporting explosives, blasting agents or explosive materials, however transportation of these materials through the park on Utah State Route 12 in accordance with applicable state regulations will not require an NPS permit.
- Livestock use and Agriculture
- Memorialization
- Noncommercial Soliciting
- Public Assemblies and Meetings
- Sale or Distribution of Printed Matter
- Scattering of Human ashes from cremation- Special Events
- Weddings
S.R. 12 is within a public Right-of-Way assigned to the Utah Department of Transportation. It would be unreasonable to expect hunters to transport legally taken wildlife around the park.
The superintendent has determined that this measure is necessary to protect wildlife and for consistency with state law.
Due to high demand for limited designated campsites, this restriction is necessary to allow for equitable distribution of camping opportunities to as many visitors as possible.
Campsite registration must be completed within one hour of campsite occupancy. Transferring of campsites for profit is not permitted.
Campers can register for their campsite(s) only. The practice of saving unpaid for campsites for other party members is prohibited. Checkout time is 11:30am. Occupying a site or leaving property there after 11:30 am is prohibited without payment of applicable fee for that night.
Campsites must be paid for in advance on www.recreation.gov, or within one hour of occupancy for ‘first come, first served’ sites. ‘Saving’ a campsite without paying violates that regulation. If a site is paid for, it may remain unoccupied for 24 hours before being considered abandoned.
Sunset Campground: Overnight occupancy is limited to no more than six persons total with a maximum of three tents per site. One vehicle plus one RV/Trailer, or two motorcycles are allowed per site. Overflow parking available at the entrance to Sunset Campground. (This does not apply to the group site.)
Sunset Group site: Overnight occupancy is limited to no more than 30 persons and 8 vehicles (2 motorcycles equal 1 passenger vehicle).
North Campground: Overnight occupancy is limited to no more than six persons total with a maximum of three tents per site. Two vehicles, or four motorcycles, or one RV/trailer plus vehicle (towed or not) are permitted per site. More than six adults would overload the capacity of the campsites and could cause resource damage. Vehicle restrictions are in place due to minimize resource damage beyond the paved parking areas at each site.
Moving or altering campsite facilities, including but not limited to picnic tables, fire grates, and similar site furnishings is prohibited.
Moving equipment to different sites would impact the ability of the park to provide basic camping equipment to the public.
Generators and idling vehicles disturb the natural soundscape and negatively impact the visitor experience. This is the least restrictive measure to mitigate these impacts while accommodating limited use required by recreational vehicle users for basic cooking, heating, and cooling needs in morning and evening hours.
The superintendent has determined that limiting ground impacts to this area prevents unacceptable soil compaction and vegetation damage beyond the established site boundaries.
Use of showers invites the distribution of soap, shampoo, and conditioner onto the ground allowing for the contamination of groundwater. Shower facilities are provided at the General Store and restroom facilities are available in each loop.
The narrow road and smaller campsite sizes cannot accommodate larger vehicles without unacceptable risk to people, property, and park resources.
A Backcountry Permit and associated fee is required for all overnight use in the Back Country and is limited to the following established sites:
Yellow Creek
Yellow Creek Group Site
Right Fork Yellow Creek
Right Fork Swamp Canyon
Swamp Canyon
Natural Bridge
Iron Spring
Corral Hollow
Yovimpa Pass
Riggs Springs
Riggs Springs Group Site
Overnight occupancy is limited to a maximum of three permittees and/or a total of six persons. A six-person limit applies to each campsite, with the exception of the group sites, for which there is a 15-person limit.
Restriction to designated sites with group size restrictions prevents excessive resource damage.
Within all campsites, picnic areas and parking lots, all food products[2] and garbage must be stored inside a vehicle or a secure lockable hard sided container. This does not apply to food that is being transported, consumed, or prepared for consumption. Garbage (including empty cans, food wrappers, etc.) must be stored or disposed of consistent with these regulations. Coolers, dirty stoves, grills, non-disposable tableware, and cookware must be washed, or stored in the same manner as food.
Food items and trash left unsecured are at high risk of becoming subject to opportunistic feeding by the local animal population and may also attract nuisance insects. This opportunistic feeding may pose health concerns to the animals over time, has proven to create an aggressive animal population and has resulted in avoidable visitor injury and property damage.
The primary purpose of these regulations is to maintain public health and safety, and to avoid conflict between visitor use activities and natural resources. Following proper storage techniques will help ensure that wildlife does not become habituated to humans, reducing the risk of property damage or human injury.
The following areas are closed to picnicking: North Campground, Sunset Campground, the Visitor Center Building, and adjacent sidewalks, plaza, and visitor parking area south of the visitor center.
The campground sites are reserved for visitors who purchase a campsite to occupy overnight. Food inside the visitor center building would attract rodents and other pests that are inconsistent with providing a clean and safe atmosphere to the public. Due to the congestion of people and traffic in the visitor center parking area, it would be dangerous to have a picnic in that area without established tables or a specific location for such activities.
SECTION 2.13 (a) (1) – FIRES
Lighting or maintaining a fire is prohibited in the park except in established government receptacles in North Campground, Sunset Campground, designated picnic areas, and employee residential areas.
Personally owned enclosed charcoal or gas grills may be used in North Campground, Sunset Campground, designated picnic areas, and employee residential areas provided that no scorching of the ground surface occurs. If a private enclosed grill is used, all ashes must be thoroughly extinguished, cooled and removed from the park or placed in trash receptacles.
Fires outside of established grates or privately owned grills could present a fire danger and could fire scar the resources of the campsite.
In the interest of protection of environmental and scenic values, protection of natural resources and public safety, these restrictions on fire are necessary. These restrictions do not affect the use of fuel stoves or lanterns for camping purposes.
2.14(a)(5) The only fixtures designated for the washing of clothing, dishes, or other property are the service sinks provided in restrooms at North and Sunset Campground. Concession-run showers at the General Store are the only designated facilities for bathing.
Solid human body waste will either be removed as trash or deposited in cat-holes dug at least 100 feet from any surface freshwater source, campsite, or trail. Catholes must be at least 6 inches deep. If frozen or snow-covered ground precludes use of catholes, waste should be removed as trash.
This requirement is intended to ensure that proper disposal of human waste occurs in the backcountry to protect water quality and visitor safety.
Toilet paper will be removed as trash and disposed of in a toilet or closed waste receptacle.
This requirement is intended to ensure that proper disposal of human waste occurs in the backcountry to protect water quality and visitor safety.
Pets (as defined by 36 CFR 1.4(a) to be a dog, cat or other animal that has been domesticated), including pets in bags, backpacks, strollers, and other carrying devices are prohibited in all areas of the park except:
within a private vehicle;
within picnic areas;
within the North and Sunset Campgrounds, where they may be in a campsite off the pavement within 30 feet of a paved road;
upon asphalt or concrete paved surfaces at viewpoints and parking lots;
upon the Bryce Canyon Shared-use Path; or
upon the Rim Trail between Sunrise and Sunset Points only;
Permitting pets outside of paved areas could lead to the increase in predator scent within the park, that could detract from the general visitor experience by deterring wildlife to gather for viewing in visitor areas. Pets also transmit disease to wildlife, impact wildlife behavior, and if off leash may injure or kill wildlife. Pets allowed on public transportation creates a sanitation problem, a safety hazard and general visitor inconvenience.
This prohibition does not include Service Animals. A Service Animal, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), is a dog or miniature horse that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The tasks performed must be directly related to the person’s disability.
While Emotional Support Animals or Comfort Animals are often used as part of a medical treatment plan as therapy animals, they are not considered service animals under the ADA. These support animals provide companionship, relieve loneliness, and sometimes help with depression, anxiety, and certain phobias, but do not have special training to perform tasks that assist people with disabilities. Even though some states have laws defining therapy animals, these animals are not limited to working with people with disabilities and therefore are not covered by federal laws protecting the use of service animals.
Since there are many areas where visitors are allowed to take their leashed pets, pet owners are responsible for ensuring that pet excrement does not pose a sanitation problem or inconvenience for other visitors or park management.
The use of horses or mules is permitted only in the following areas: On the established trail from the Mixing Circle to Sunrise Point, from Sunrise Point down the horse trail to the Peekaboo Loop trail, and on the Peekaboo Loop trail, as shown on attached “Horse Trail Loop” map. Only the park’s authorized concessioner’s horses and mules are allowed on the Tropic Trail.
Horse use is permitted on specific trails as established by the 1988 Bryce Canyon General Management Plan (see Decision and Rationale on GMP page 84).
Horses and mules other than those of the park authorized concessioners are only permitted to enter the park with a valid reservation. Barring exigent circumstances or specific authorization from the superintendent, horses and pack animals other than those of park authorized concessioners are prohibited from use of park trails between the hours of 7:00 am and 4:30 pm.
The superintendent has determined that this is the least restrictive measure necessary to protect public safety, provide equitable allocation and use of facilities, and avoid conflict among visitor use activities. Because encounters between different groups of horses or pack animals on designated park trails may result in unpredictable animal behavior and pose a risk to health and safety of riders and animals, management of equestrian groups in the park requires scheduling them in a manner which ensures that different groups are adequately separated in space and time. Previously utilized scheduling plans have proven inadequate to prevent encounters between groups of riders, notably private riders and large, concession-led rides. Prudent management requires a schedule which separates the regularly scheduled concession rides from the less predictable private groups by establishing daily hours exclusive to each group.Less restrictive measures, such as interspersing groups through the day, have proven ineffective as rider numbers have increased and experience has shown that some rider groups will not abide by the scheduled departure time or ride at a faster or slower pace than average, undermining the effectiveness of the schedule.This condition continues to allow use of designated park equestrian trails by all user groups (which is less restrictive than a complete prohibition by group type) but mitigates risks of multiple groups on the narrow canyon trails simultaneously.
Encounters between different groups of horses on designated park trails may result in unpredictable animal behavior and pose a risk to health and safety of riders and animals. The superintendent has determined following single-direction travel on certain segments is the least restrictive measure to minimize encounters.
This is the least restrictive measure necessary to eliminate the introduction of non-native plants.
The Utah Prairie Dog is a federally threatened species. Horse/mule feces are an attractant for the Utah Prairie Dog. When Utah Prairie Dogs consume feces on the roadway, the risk of roadkill incidents increases. Riders must clean up feces on the roadway to mitigate the roadkill risk to the Utah Prairie Dog.
Horse and mule riders must carry proof of ownership. Current approved forms of proof of ownership are found on the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food website. All stock brought to the park must have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (valid for 30 days) and the certificate must show a negative Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA)(Coggins – AGID or ELISA) test within the past 12 months, UNLESS the animals have not left Utah in the past six months.
This condition aligns with state requirements found in Utah Administrative Code, Title R58-1-7.
Tying horses or mules in a manner that damages trees or vegetation. This restriction prevents resource damage.
This restriction reduces the risk of water-borne disease transmission between livestock and user conflicts. The corral and water trough are maintained by and for the use of the park concessioner as part of their contractual land lease assignment, and unmanaged public use of these facilities impacts this authorized activity.
The use of roller skates, inline skates, longboards and two wheeled, non-motorized scooters is permitted on the Shared Use Path, and employee housing areas only.
The Shared Use Path is closed to motor vehicles and employee housing areas have a speed limit low enough to minimize conflicts between these devices and motor vehicles.
Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is prohibited within fifty (50) feet of automotive refueling pumps and is prohibited in all public buildings and at least 25 feet from a building opening (including entryways and windows).
State law prohibits smoking and ENDS use (“vaping”) in all buildings. Directors Order-50 prohibits smoking within 25 feet of an entrance to a building.
Visitors with a valid backcountry permit may leave their vehicles unattended at the following locations for longer than 24 hours:
Backcountry trips require extended overnight hikes away from various locations. Support of this use requires relaxation of the restriction, thus allowing property to be left unattended for longer than 24 hours. Permittees must leave notification on their dashboard (provided by the NPS when permits are given).
The superintendent has determined that the consumption of alcoholic beverages in a visitor setting is inconsistent with other uses of this location and the purpose for which it is maintained.
To ensure visitor safety and reduce fire danger, the use or possession of pyrotechnics of any kind is prohibited.
Congested parking areas, limited overlooks, and narrow trails with dangerous exposures require that special events, public assemblies, meetings, and sale or distribution of printed matter occur at the visitor center parking area that offers the appropriate facilities for these activities.
The use of bicycles on non-paved trails would cause undue resource damage and accelerate the erosion process within the park especially due to the nature of the sharp turns and narrow tires. Additionally, due to the congestion of foot traffic on trails, it would cause an unsafe situation between low-speed pedestrian traffic and moderate to high-speed bicycle traffic. National Park Service regulations require promulgation of a new special regulation to designate new routes for bicycle use off park roads and outside developed areas. This rule was effective June 1, 2015.A person operating an e-bike is subject to the following sections of 36 CFR part 4 that apply to the use of traditional bicycles: sections 4.12, 4.13, 4.21, 4.22, 4.23 and 4.30(i). Except as specified in this Compendium, the use of an e-bike within Bryce Canyon National Park is governed by State Law, which is adopted and made a part of this Compendium. Any violation of State law adopted by this paragraph is prohibited.
4.30(h)(1) Administrative roads and trails authorized for bike use:
All paved roads open to general motor vehicle traffic are also open to bicycle and Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 e-bikes. The Shared Used Path is the only trail within the park where the use of bicycles and Class I and II e-bikes is permitted. Class III e-bikes are not permitted on the Shared Use Path.
The Shared Use Path is the only trail within Bryce that can accommodate bicycles and e-bikes without suffering resource damage or unacceptable risk of accidents or visitor conflicts due to high volumes of pedestrian use. Class III e-bikes are prohibited on the shared use path because their top pedal assisted speed is 28mph which is too fast for the safe use of the congested Shared Use Path.
Shuttle buses with trailers have limited visibility which prevents passing moving cyclists in a safe manner. Large bicycle groups prevent vehicles from passing them in a safe manner on the narrow park roads.
The Shared use Path is a paved multi-use visitor path in Bryce Canyon National Park. The path is approximately 6.2 miles long and is open to several uses, including running, walking, roller or in-line skating, non-motorized scooters, skateboards, and cross-country skiing and bicycling, including Class I and Class II E-bikes. Leashed pets are also allowed on the Shared Use Path.
[1] UT State Highway 12 passes through Bryce Canyon National Park between mile markers 15 and 18 and has a state right-of-way, therefore excused from this restriction between the aforementioned mileposts. OHVs on this section of road must follow UT state regulations for OHV use.
[2] For the purpose of this condition, "food products" shall be defined as food, drinks, toiletries, cosmetics, pet food and bowls, and odoriferous attractants.
[3] The term "e-bike" means a two- or three-wheeled cycle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts (1 hp).