![]() Nora Murdock The National Parks Omnibus Management Act (1998) directed the National Park Service “to establish baseline (resource) information and to provide information on the long-term trends in the condition of National Park System resources.” In order to acquire the information and expertise needed by park managers to protect park resources and maintain ecosystem integrity in the face of multiple threats the Inventory and Monitoring Program was created. To accomplish this formidable task, the NPS has grouped parks into 32 networks based on ecological similarity and geographic proximity. Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area is one of four units which compose the Appalachian Highlands Network. The other units of the Appalachian Highlands Network are Blue Ridge Parkway, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and Obed Wild and Scenic River. The Appalachian Highlands Network has conducted a number different inventories dealing with the natural resources found within Big South Fork. As those inventories are completed they will be edited to remove any sensitive information and posted for public review.
In order to promote its efforts the Appalachian Highlands Network produces an annual summary of its research efforts. These reports are available for download as PDF files from the following links.
Last updated: April 14, 2015