Freshwater to the Sea

The freshwaters of the Big Cypress Swamp, essential to the health of the neighboring Everglades, support the rich marine estuaries along Florida's southwest coast. Conserving over 729,000 acres of this vast swamp, Big Cypress National Preserve contains a mixture of tropical and temperate plant communities that are home to diverse wildlife, including the Endangered Florida panther. Read More

puffy clouds and grassy water meets at sunset
Things To Do

Explore the preserve your way with scenic drives, special events, and tons of outdoor activities.

Visitor Center with American Flag and Park Service Arrowhead
Directions to Big Cypress

Step by step instructions on how to find your park in South Florida.

a ranger poses with a tour in knee deep swamp water
Ranger-led Activities

Swamp tours, ranger chats, and canoe rendezvous... dive deeper into Big Cypress with a park ranger.

a narrow dirt road through trees
Plan Your Visit

Start planning your next adventure to Big Cypress National Preserve.

a person canoeing at sunset
Get Basic Info About Big Cypress

All of the basic trip planning information, all in one place. Prepare for your visit.

A tent in front of a car with a canoe on top
Camping at Big Cypress

With 8 campgrounds to choose from you can find your perfect campsite.

Last updated: December 19, 2023

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Mailing Address:

33100 Tamiami Trail East
Ochopee, FL 34141


239 695-2000

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