Article • Historic Preservation Fund Grant Success Stories

Preserve America Grant Projects

Old Slater Mill
Old Slater Mill, Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor

Photo courtesy of the National Park Service

The Preserve America program was designed to support heritage tourism, education, and historic preservation planning in communities nationwide. The program consists of two parts: 1) competitive matching grants awarded to projects that support preservation efforts and 2) community designations for areas that protect and celebrate their historic resources.

Competitive grant funds from the Historic Preservation Fund were awarded through the Preserve America grant program from 2006 to 2009. Since then, no additional funds have been appropriated through Congress to fund the competitive grant program.

Although not currently funded, the program is authorized in legislation. Community designations are still recognize localities that support preservation efforts through heritage tourism, education, and historic preservation planning. The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation manages designation process. The related People and Places articles listed here show examples of projects that have been funded and successfully completed through the Preserve America grant program.

Part of a series of articles titled Historic Preservation Fund Grant Success Stories.

Last updated: January 6, 2021