Article • Historic Preservation Fund Grant Success Stories

Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant Projects

Hotel Becker, Hardin, MT
Hotel Becker, Hardin, MT - a contributing structure in the Hardin Commercial Historic District

Montana State Historic Preservation Office

The Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants Program is a new Historic Preservation Fund grant program created in fiscal year 2018. The Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants Programm, formerly the Historic Revitalization Subgrant Program, supports subgrant programs that enable the rehabilitation and protection of historic properties to foster economic development of rural communities. This program funds preservation projects for historic sites, including architectural and engineering services and physical building preservation through subgrants to rural communities (non-urban cities with populations under 50,000).

States, Tribes, Certified Local Governments, and non-profits can apply for funding that will in turn be subgranted to rural communities in their jurisdictions. Properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places or determined eligible for listing at the National, State, or local level of significance and located within rural communities are eligible for funding through these subgrants. In fiscal year 2019, almost $5 million were awarded to nine different applicants to the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants Program. The related People and Places articles will be listed here to show examples of projects that have been funded and successfully completed through this program. Please check back regularly for more updates.

Part of a series of articles titled Historic Preservation Fund Grant Success Stories.

Last updated: January 19, 2022