
National Park Trust and Bowie State College Ambassadors Explore the Chesapeake Gateway Region

The National Park Trust’s project provides an innovative, interdisciplinary learning experience for Bowie State students who will visit more than a dozen natural and historic sites throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed during a 10-day, 700+-mile trip as part of a field course centered around African American and Black History in the Chesapeake Region. The funding will support staff, supplies, and travel costs, including water excursions, walking tours, and a possible overnight campout at Belle Grove Plantation administered through the Slave Dwelling Project. Students will gain a greater appreciation for the “great outdoors” and the many ways that the history of the Chesapeake region is relevant to their own lives. The project will result in a marketing campaign where they will share their stories through a wide variety of media.

Part of a series of articles titled 2023 Chesapeake Gateways Grant Recipients .

Chesapeake Bay

Last updated: October 3, 2023