Pick up a Braille copy of the park's primary brochure at the visitor center.
Braille maps are available for navigating the historic village area.
A Braille tactile table map is usually available in the visitor center.
Audio Description
The park film and exhibit A/V components have audio description. Ask at the visitor center desk for a headset device to listen to the audio description.
A free audio walking tour and an audio description of the park's primary brochure are available by downloading the app, UniDescription, to your smartphone or tablet the by using this QR code or downloading the UniDescription app from the App Store or Playstore. Because of the weak signal in the park it will be easier to download the app before you enter the park.
This QR code will take you to the links to download the application to your android or apple device.
OR the Unidescription application can be downloaded from Google Playstore(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.unidescription.npsapp&hl=en_US&gl=US) for android phones or the App Store(https://apps.apple.com/us/app/unidescription/id1288434078) for Apple phones. After it's installed do a search for Appomattox Court House.
Large text versions of the park's brochures are available at the visitor center front desk.
Please ask staff for any further resources or assistance that could improve your visit to the park!
Last updated: August 29, 2023
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Contact Info
Mailing Address:
Appomattox Court House National Historical Park
P.O. Box 218