Obtaining a Scientific Research and Collecting Permit

A flow chart with the process for obtaining a research permit
Scientific Research and Collecting Permit Workflow


Conducting research within a unit of the National Park Service (NPS) presents the opportunity to both advance scientific knowledge and to serve as a steward by protecting natural and cultural resources for future generations. All science and research activities occurring at ZION are authorized with a Scientific Research and Collecting Permit. In addition to providing invaluable knowledge to park administrators for decision-making purposes, research permits are required to ensure that the values of the park, the visitor experience, and park resources remain intact. A Principle Investigator (PI) may Request a Permit by submitting an application through the Research Permit and Reporting System (RPRS) as accessed through the Integrated Resource Management Application (IRMA) web portal.

Prior to submitting an application, every PI is encouraged to become acquainted with the IRMA Data Store and NPS LIBRIS to access recent NPS research and resource management projects as well as the information available on NPS Natural Resources, Cultural Resources, and Social Sciences. It is imperative that PIs are familiar with NPS Director’s Order 79: Integrity of Scientific and Scholarly Activities as well as the RPRS application guidelines provided in the RPRS Help menu, specifically Investigator Help. Reporting and curation requirements must also be observed by each PI to preserve research efforts, obtain annual NPS approval for ongoing research activities, as well as to provide public access to research data and analyses. Use the dropdown menu below to navigate to RPRS process guidance and criteria.



A Scientific Research and Collecting Permit is required for most scientific activities pertaining to natural resources or social science in NPS areas that involve fieldwork, specimen collection, and/or have the potential to disturb resources or visitors. RPRS is the online system that manages the research application and reporting process for the NPS. See RPRS FAQs for more information. Application Procedures & Requirements lists some of the predisposing factors that influence the permit determination. PIs should anticipate applying to allow sufficient time for the review process, which may require 30 to 120 days to finalize depending on the complexity of the proposed research. Internal review by the ZION interdisciplinary team, or RPRS Committee, will only begin once a complete application package is received by the ZION RPRS Coordinator. A complete application package includes:

  • Study Proposal
  • Supplemental Permits & Approvals (as required)
  • RPRS Application Package Submission

Study Proposal

Applications for a Scientific Research and Collecting Permit must include a research proposal. Guidelines to Researchers for Study Proposals neatly outlines research proposal requirements and provides the required Study Proposal format to ensure regulatory mandate are met as well as to expedite the internal review process. Rather than removing sections of the template, Study Proposal headings that are not a part of your research should be marked as “Not Applicable”

An acceptable Study Proposal also includes Qualifications, two (2) letters of Peer Support, and, where applicable, Maps & Spatial Data. It is especially important to provide a Budget detailing expected funding sources, and plans for the costs associated with cataloging and long-term curation of any specimens collected.


An example topo map featuring the required map components
Example map with required cartographic elements.

Supplemental Permitting & Approvals

Some research activities may require additional permits of approvals by other governing bodies before the NPS can issue a permit for research in a park unit. Supplemental NPS Permits or approvals may also be required depending on the proposed research activities. Examples include research on live animals, surveys with human participants requiring approval by an Institutional Review Board, research on migratory birds requiring approval by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and research on state or federally listed species of concern.



RPRS Application Package Submission

All prospective PIs should follow Instructions for Researchers to Create New User Account and initiate a research request. PIs proposing to conduct research in multiple NPS units must submit a RPRS application to each unit. An individual determination will be provided by each NPS unit. If a favorable determination is reached, Scientific Research and Collecting Permits are issued for one calendar year and expire on or before December 31st. This means an RPRS application must be submitted each calendar year research activities are proposed.

PIs are frequently professors, PhD candidates, or a research institution affiliate. As an undergraduate or graduate student, your major professor should be listed as the PI and yourself as a co-investigator. At least one co-investigator must also be listed who would retain access to the research files. If you are conducting independent research, this may be an individual associated with your institution such as a supervisor, dean, or museum curator. The Agent Role Service allows a PI to establish an agent to assist in the application and related reporting requirements. The Investigator Account Data Transfer Service also provides the mechanism to convey responsibilities of a study from one investigator to another. PIs are encouraged to populate the seven RPRS application fields using details from the Study Proposal:




Once a complete application package is received, the ZION RPRS Coordinator will consult with an interdisciplinary team of park staff and subject-area experts, or the RPRS Review Committee, to ensure that the proposed research is scientifically valid, will not harm natural or cultural resources, will not unduly affect park visitors or staff, follows the appropriate policies and conditions, and can be conducted safely. Correspondence between the PI and ZION RPRS Coordinator is common throughout the review processes to obtain signatures, collect outstanding detail, and communicate points of clarification requested by the RPRS Committee. Once the ZION Review Committee review the research permit and a determination has been reached, the ZION RPRS Coordinator will notify the PI directly. The following criteria are used to evaluate Study Proposals:

  • Is the proposed research in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and federal administrative policies?
  • Will the proposed activity result in degradation of the values and purposes of the park?
  • Could the proposed research be performed outside of the park?
  • Is the proposed research important to the stated scientific resource management goals of the park?
  • Does the proposed research unreasonably disturb park resources or visitors?
  • Does the proposed research require additional state, federal, or local permits? Have those permits been obtained?
  • Does the proposed research require collection of specimens or artifacts? What will be the disposition of any collected specimens? Has a collections and curation budget been established?
  • Does the proposed research encumber NPS resources that may be limited (e.g., government housing, equipment, or staff/logistical support)?
A flowchart describing the determination process, which is summarized in the caption
The RPRS Coordinator reviews submitted applications for completeness. Incomplete applications are returned. Complete submittals move to RPRS Committee review where they may be returned for clarification, denied if unacceptable impacts would occur, or approved with permit issuance.
A researcher holds a bighorn sheep head while a couple other people work on the animal
ZION partners with graduate student to inform management decisions impacting desert bighorn sheep.


PIs holding a valid Scientific Research and Collecting Permit must ensure to uphold and communicate the NPS General and ZION Park-Specific permit conditions to the research team. Refer to the Permit Holder Guides to Field Work Check In & Check Out Services for more information. You may submit a Field Check-In and Check-Out form with your Investigators Annual Report (IAR).

Upon arrival to ZION, be sure to present your permit at the entrance station to receive an entry fee waiver and carry a copy of your permit at all times. The research team must wear agency and/or institutional apparel to facilitate identification by NPS staff and visitors. If planning to use ZION campgrounds, remember that the regular time limits and fees apply to researchers. Most frontcountry campsites require advanced reservations and stays may total no more than fourteen (14) days. A Wilderness Permit is required for any overnight backcountry fieldwork. Upon receiving a favorable permit determination, the PIs information will be automatically forwarded to the ZION Wilderness Coordinator. If available, fee-free administrative lodging and/or camping may be granted to PIs collaborating directly with ZION staff on park management research priorities. Refer to ZION Research Preferences for more details.

Utilize the links following to help plan your stay and navigate transportation:


Annual Reporting

The Investigator Annual Report (IAR) provides the opportunity for the NPS to reengage with PIs within an established timeframe to maintain a consistent history of scientific research and education accomplishments. The NPS frequently uses IARs to track research status, findings, and define any anticipated modifications to research activities recurring annually. These reports also allow NPS staff to minimize localized conflicts or adverse impacts to natural and cultural resources, visitors, and other research efforts as well as to identify potential opportunities for collaboration or synergies with other efforts across the National Park System. All Scientific Research and Collecting Permit holders are required to submit an IAR each calendar year for every individual NPS unit where research activities are performed. IARs are due 90 days following the completion of annual research activities or no later than March 31st of the following calendar year, whichever comes first. If no activity associated with a permit is undertaken during the specified calendar year, submit an IAR that states such and explain why research has been delayed or canceled. Detailed instructions on how to Submit an IAR may be located under the Investigator Help menu.

IARs should be submitted in a format suitable for publication on the NPS IRMA Data Store portal. Incomplete IARs will be returned to a PI with guidance on requirements outstanding. An acceptable IAR includes an abstract or brief summary of the research objectives, accomplishments, preliminary findings or discoveries, lessons learned, and status of the scientific study for the reporting year. A narrative of the research activities conducted and/or any activities carried out to maintain installations and/or equipment located within the specified NPS unit should also be provided. PIs are reminded to include favorable or problematic aspects of the research and any mitigations implemented or changes should also be included. If specimens are being collected, PI are to discuss how and where their specimens are being stored, cataloging status, and funding involved for the calendar year.

Additionally, all supporting data collected or questionnaires conducted during the specified calendar year should be uploaded when a PI submits an IAR. This may include but is not limited to raw data, analyses, field notes, reports, publications, surveys, questionnaires, theses, presentations, databases, photos, maps, recordings, specimens/samples, etc. Refer to Final Report & Curation for more information. If a PI was unable to utilize the Field Check-In and Check-out service provided in the PIs permit profile to record fieldwork details, Permittee Field Check-In and Check-Out forms must be uploaded with your IAR. Refer to the Permit Holder Guides to Field Work Check In & Check Out Services for more information. Note that it is important to AVOID including personal identifiable information and/or spatial data that could potentially jeopardize the security of sensitive resources (endangered plants, archaeological sites, fossils, caves, etc.). Contact the ZION RPRS Coordinator to arrange a secure transfer. Applicable specimen curation requirements must be met before an IAR is accepted by the NPS and assigned as “complete.”


Multi-Year Study

Reoccurring research or field activities that are anticipated to ensue over the course of multiple calendar years are likely to require annual approval from each NPS unit where research activities are carried out. Unless prior arrangements are made, RPRS permits expire on December 31st each calendar year which means most Scientific Research and Collecting Permits are no longer valid after this date. To be eligible for permit renewal, all terms and conditions stipulated in the NPS RPRS Permit and/or Wilderness Permit must be adhered to. All annual reporting requirements must also be satisfied prior to any reissuance.

To renew your permit and expedite applications for multi-year studies, directions on how to Use an Existing Application as a Template can be located under the Investigator Help menu. PIs should be sure to specify and/or differentiate how upcoming research activities differ from the previous year. This may include proposals for activities planned in a previous year but were delayed for any variety of extenuating circumstances. Supporting maps, diagrams, and/or protocols must be revised and submitted to reflect the activities anticipated for the upcoming calendar year.


Final Report & Curation

Final Reports provide the NPS with the formal conclusion of a permitted research effort. NPS managers use these reports to inform management plans and decisions. Additionally, scientists and educators use NPS related science to inform research and education programs. All Scientific Research and Collecting Permit holders must submit a final report to formally finalize and conclude a RPRS permit. The due date of the Final Report should be coordinated directly with the ZION RPRS Coordinator; however, PIs should aim to submit a Final Report no later than March 31st within 90 days following the completion of research activities or no later than March 31st of the following calendar year, whichever comes first. Detailed instructions on how to Submit a Final Report and Related Documents may be located under the Investigator Help menu.

Final Reports should be submitted in a format suitable for publication on the NPS IRMA Data Store portal. PIs must consider copyright protections and provide conclusions in a manner with which is allowable for public consumptions. Upon submission, Final Reports are circulated amongst the ZION interdisciplinary team for review and acceptance. Incomplete Final Reports will be returned to a PI with guidance on requirements outstanding. There is no required format for final reports, although the general format of a scientific paper or report works well in most cases, i.e. introduction, purpose, methods, results, discussion of implications, and conclusions. Note that it is important to AVOID including personal identifiable information and/or spatial data that could potentially jeopardize the security of sensitive resources (endangered plants, archaeological sites, fossils, caves, etc.). Contact the ZION RPRS Coordinator to arrange a secure transfer. Applicable specimen curation requirements must be met before a Final Report is accepted by the NPS and assigned as “complete.”

It is important for PIs to maintain contact with each NPS unit to provide copies of all reports, publications, presentations, and related the data collected throughout the NPS system. These scientific findings will be kept in the NPS Archives to inform park management decisions, used in future research and education programs, and become part of the legacy of the NPS.


All scientific research carried out within NPS units are to be archived into the NPS Collection as managed by the NPS Museum Management Program. The collection includes a variety of organized data sets, both qualitative and quantitative, and range across a diverse set of research topics. Many scientific research activities involve collecting specimens that will be maintained permanently in appropriate NPS or non-NPS museum repositories. Before an RPRS permit determination is made for applicants involving specimen collection, prospective PIs must include a detailed budget that reflects appropriate funding to physically catalog specimens and provide for their long-term curation.

If a prospective PI has requested to handle, collect, and/or house specimens at a Non-NPS repository, a Handling or Collection of Specimens Certification must be completed as a part of the application process. A responsible official at the Non-NPS custodial institution must also sign an Appendix A: Proposed Repository for Collected Specimens. When applicable, both forms will be generated automatically as a part of an RPRS application. Note that the NPS does not loan specimens to individual parties, only to institutions. If no specimens will be collected as a part of the research or if all the specimens will be destroyed during analysis, an Appendix A is not required. However, if it is later determined that temporarily retained specimens or material originating from such specimens in fact warrants permanent retention, the PI must contact the ZION RPRS Coordinator or the ZION Museum Curator for additional instruction as soon as practicable.

Outgoing Loan Agreements for all specimens not entirely consumed in analysis will be made with institutions not already covered by a Service-wide repository agreement. All specimens collected from NPS managed lands must be labeled with NPS accession and catalog numbers. Third party loans, even for identification or analysis, may not be undertaken without prior written approval from the originating NPS unit. Similarly, transfers, consumptive analysis, destruction, or disposal of specimens may also not be undertaken without prior written approval from the appropriate NPS staff.

It is the responsibility of the PI to correctly catalog all specimens to NPS Standards. Official NPS catalog numbers may be obtained by contacting the ZION Museum Curator. Completed catalog spreadsheets must be turned over to the originating NPS unit to be incorporated into the NPS Collection database. PIs should access Researcher Resources for Specimen Collection to locate approved cataloging templates and for more information on the large and diverse set of historic, cultural, and biological collections that are often of great value for researchers. Refer to common Collection FAQs and an Overview of Collections Related Enhancements to RPRS for more information.

The NPS reserves the right to inspect or audit loaned items at any time and may recall specimens without prior notice if it is determined that they are not receiving proper care. Specimens may randomly appear on the annual NPS museum inventory, in which case, the repository will be contacted to confirm the existence and condition of the specimen(s).

Last updated: August 2, 2023

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Zion National Park
1 Zion Park Blvd.

Springdale, UT 84767


If you have questions, please email zion_park_information@nps.gov. Listen to recorded information by calling anytime 24 hours a day. Rangers answer phone calls from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT, but a ranger may not answer if they are already speaking with someone else.

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