Zion National Park Celebrates National Park Week with Fee Free Days and Several Special Events

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News Release Date: April 17, 2015

Contact: Aly Baltrus

Zion National Park will join other National Parks throughout the country in celebrating National Park Week from Saturday, April 18 to Sunday, April 26 with several events.

April 18 and 19: On opening weekend of National Park Week, every National Park, including Zion National Park, will provide free admission.

 April 18: Zion National Park staff will participate in the Town of Springdale's 11th Annual Earth Day Celebration 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. Enjoy solar powered music, native plants, environmental art projects, and the reading of "The Lorax," among other activities and booths. For more information, visit http://www.canyoncommunitycenter.com/earth-day.html.

April 20: Zion National Park Foundation, with the help of the St. George Area Tourism Office, will hold a "Celebrate the National Parks in your Backyard" Open House at the Dixie Center in Saint George, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Drop in to meet the superintendents from Zion as well as nearby Pipe Spring and Cedar Breaks National Monuments, learn the latest information on the parks and find out how you can support them. There will be light refreshments, a silent auction, and activities for kids. For more information on the Zion National Park Foundation, visit http://zionpark.org.

April 24: Zion National Park is celebrating the Kick-off Event for the Park's Electric Vehicle Program, made possible by the Department of Energy Clean Cities National Parks Initiative program. As part of the program, the park will receive three plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and several electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. EV charging stations will also be available for visitors to use at Kolob Canyon Visitor Center and Zion Canyon Visitor Center. The kick-off event will take place at the Kolob Canyon Visitor Center in New Harmony, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. To learn more about the Utah Clean Cities Coalition, visit http://www.utahcleancities.org/get-involved.

Also, the National Park Service and National Park Foundation are launching their "Find Your Park" Campaign in an effort to connect and reconnect Americans to their heritage and public lands. Zion is encouraging people to share their park stories, their special places and memories at www.findyourpark.org, as well as find new places to visit, explore and create memories.

Last updated: April 17, 2015

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Zion National Park
1 Zion Park Blvd.

Springdale, UT 84767


If you have questions, please email zion_park_information@nps.gov. Listen to recorded information by calling anytime 24 hours a day. Rangers answer phone calls from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT, but a ranger may not answer if they are already speaking with someone else.

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