
Many documents guide the management of Zion National Park. The ones available here are intended to publicize management plans and demonstrate how park operations are structured toward achieving the National Park Service mission.

The mission goals of Zion National Park as stated in the 2001 General Management Plan are to

  • Provide park visitors educational and recreational opportunities that foster an appreciation of Zion and its resources.
  • Ensure that visitor impacts do not impair resources.
  • Maintain the resources, including plant and animal communities, at healthy and viable levels consistent with natural processes.
  • Manage cultural and physical resources to ensure long-term integrity.
  • Ensure that the built environment provides for safe visitor and staff uses in a sustainable manner.
  • Ensure that the organization is responsive to employee needs, recognizing the contributions of each individual.
  • Foster mutually supportive partnerships with private and public organizations and individuals to achieve visitor use and resource protection goals.

Kolob Terrace Road Environmental Assessment
Scoping Letter

Comprehensive River Management Plan
Wild and Scenic River Outstandingly Remarkable Values Summary

Soundscape Management Plan
Finding of No Significant Impact - (FONSI) for Zion National Park Soundscape Plan
Zion National Park Soundscape Plan

Cave Valley Emergency Closure
Zion-Mount Carmel Highway Rehabilitation FONSI
Zion National Park General Management Plan
2006 Visitor Study
2006 Zion Economic Impact Study

Zion Canyon Transportation System Technical Analysis
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Wayfinding and Visitor Information
Section 3 Parking Utilization
Section 4 Springdale Streetscapes and Multi-Modal Connectivity
Section 5 Park Multi-Modal Connectivity
Section 6 Shuttle System
Section 7 Park Entrance Area
Section 8 Partnerships and Stewardship
Section 9 Financial Reports
Section 10 References and Resources
Appendix A Springdale Streetscape, Parking, and Shuttle Stop Inventory
Appendix B Ridecheck and Timecheck Data Sheets
Appendix C Bike on Bus Memo
Appendix D Notes from Workshops
Appendix E Photography

Wilderness Management
Wilderness Stewardship Plan (formerly the Backcountry Management Plan 2007)

Fire Management
Fire Management Plan 2004
Post-Fire Aerial Application of Herbicide 2007
Finding of No Significant Impact-Kolob Fire Rehabilitation - Aerial Application of Herbicide-October 2006

Zion National Park's Self-Evaluation for Accessibility


Last updated: March 26, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Zion National Park
1 Zion Park Blvd.

Springdale, UT 84767


If you have questions, please email Listen to recorded information by calling anytime 24 hours a day. Rangers answer phone calls from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT, but a ranger may not answer if they are already speaking with someone else.

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