Fire Rehabilitation

French Fire Rehabilitation

In 2004, the French Fire burned along the northernmost boundary of Whiskeytown which significantly increased the distribution and abundance of non-native and invasive species within the park boundary. This increase in non-native invasive plant species is a stumbling block to the park, which has been aggressively treating exotic plant species since the Trinity Fire in 1999. After this previous fire, non-native invasive species are estimated to have increased by as much as 400%. The treatments within this area were an overall success; however, the French Fire has provided an ideal environment for these non-native species to once again expand rapidly into previously uninfested areas both within the fire perimeter and the surrounding areas. Specifically, the objectives of this rehabilitation project are the following:
  • Control new and expanding non-native invasive plant populations within the French Fire.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of control treatments.
  • Map new non-native invasive plant infestations.
  • Rehabilitate the most impacted areas with native seed and by planting willows.

Last updated: March 1, 2015

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Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 188
Whiskeytown, CA 96095


530 242-3400

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