18555 Hwy 47A, Ste. A Cheyenne 73628 Washita Battlefield is located just west of Cheyenne in western Oklahoma approximately 130 miles west of Oklahoma City and 140 miles east of Amarillo, Texas; just 25 miles north of I-40 on State Highway 283. From Cheyenne head west on State Highway 47 for about 1 mile and then make a right on State Highway 47A. The visitor center will be on the right and the battlefield is about .5 miles past the visitor center on the right as well. Weather in western Oklahoma can vary considerably. Winters can be mild to severe with ice storms being the biggest concern. Spring is usually short but pleasant although severe weather, including tornadoes, is still a possibility. Usually a strong breeze is associated with spring weather. Summers are brutally hot and visitors should be cautioned about spending any length of time in the heat. Falls are cool with a bitter wind. Entrance Fee-free This site is fee-free year-round. No entrance fee or pass is required. Visitor CenterOpen 7 days a week from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day. Public WiFi is not available.
Check with your provider to verify coverage. Cellular service is available in most nearby communities. However, areas without coverage may exist within the park. Today, as in 1868, the Washita River flows silently through the valley. The river banks are shaded by cottonwoods and sycamore and flanked with waving fields of grass. Ancient hills of red dirt rim the horizons. This peaceful setting offers us hallowed ground to contemplate this watershed event in our shared history, a place to find understanding, meaning, and perhaps healing in the wake of tragedy. Are you traveling with your pets? For safety be sure you are ready for your visit. |
Last updated: January 25, 2021