North Union Avenue and Grant Circle are closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic for repairs. Entering these construction areas is prohibited. This work is to repair severe weather damage in 2020. The remainder of the park and tour road are open.
Due to weather related incidents, Vicksburg National Cemetery is closed to vehicular traffic, however it is open to pedestrians. Visitor can park in the adjacent USS Cairo parking lot and walk into the cemetery.
Multiple monument located on Grant Avenue, 100 yards east of Sherman Avenue. This unit was attached to Col. Milton Montgomery's Brigade of Brig. Gen. Nathan Kimball's Provisional Division, Maj. Gen. Cadwallader C. Washburn's XVI Army Corps (Detachment), on Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's Exterior Line, and commanded by Lt. Col. Samuel J. Nasmith. [Refer to pages 719, 720 and 770, Volume 6 of the WPA Monumentation Survey Books.]