When is it? What is it?
Free! Held every year during the first full weekend in DecemberIn recognition and celebration of the many cultures that were historically and are presently associated with the Santa Cruz Valley, the Tumacácori Fiesta presents the traditional creations of these cultures. The fiesta features around fifty food and craft booths, continuous live entertainment on stage, and activities for families each day. On Sunday, the day begins at 10:00 a.m. in front of the Visitor Center with a procession through the Fiesta grounds to the historic church, followed by a multicultural mass in front of the church. The mission grounds and park are open throughout the weekend and admission is free. The Fiesta ExperiencePerformances on the Main StageSaturday, December 7, 20249:45 Blessing and opening of the 52nd Tumacácori Fiesta
Last updated: November 26, 2024