Valerie Martin
Day Trip Planning
Getting to Windigo
The Sea Hunter III offers day trips to Windigo, on the southwest end of Isle Royale, from Grand Portage, Minnesota. After arriving on the ferry, visitors spend four hours exploring the island. Isle Royale Seaplanes also offers day trip service to Windigo.
Be Prepared for an Unexpected Overnight
Adverse weather conditions or unexpected transportation issues may cause a park day trip to turn into an overnight.
You can prepare yourself by bringing essential items: prescriptions, food, and extra clothing for variable weather. Consider bringing a tent, sleeping pads, and sleeping bags;
Isle Royale does not provide these items for visitors.
Day Trip Schedule
- Depart Grand Portage, MN: 8:30 am CDT / 9:30 am EDT
- Arrive Windigo: 10:00 am CDT / 11:00 am EDT
- Four hour layover on Isle Royale
- Depart Windigo: 2:00 pm CDT / 3:00 pm EDT
- Arrive Grand Portage, MN: 3:30 pm CDT / 4:30 pm EDT
Throughout the operating season the Sea Hunter III's schedule varies; it typically operates from mid-June through Labor Day. Day trip visitors can expect to have approximately four hours on the island.
Time Zone Information
Grand Portage, MN is in the central time zone, and the Sea Hunter III schedule operates on central time. Isle Royale National Park is in the eastern time zone, and operates on eastern time. It is recommended to stay on central time during your trip.
Activities in Four Hours or Less
- Attend a Ranger Program
- Become a Junior Ranger
- Walk the Windigo Nature Trail
- Hike to Grace Creek Overlook
- Paddle Washington Creek
Know Before You Go
- Isle Royale is a remote island in Lake Superior.
- The park is comprised of a roadless backcountry.
- Make sure to bring a water bottle, food, and anything you might need for a day.
- Lake Superior makes island weather unpredictable and travel delays are common.