
President Theodore Roosevelt declared Tonto as a National Monument in 1907. It was expanded to its current size of 1120 acres in 1937.

The staff at Tonto National Monument are committed to preserving the prehistoric cliff dwellings and the surrounding area for the enjoyment of this and future generations. We work closely with federal, state, local, tribal, and private partners to monitor and protect the monument's natural and cultural history. Help us preserve Tonto National Monument by becoming familiar with some of the rules and regulations that are important for a safe and enjoyable visit.


Management Plans

Tonto National Monument's Foundation Document was completed in 2017. Its purpose is to clearly describe specific resource conditions and visitor experiences throughout the park and to identify the kinds of management, use, and development that will be appropriate in achieving and maintaining those conditions.

Tonto National Monument's Fire Management Plan.


Laws & Policies

Compendium of Regulations

Laws and regulations applying specifically to Tonto National Monument, including designations, closures, and other restrictions.Tonto NM Superintendent's Compendium

Firearms Information

February 22, 2010- Under federal law, people who can legally possess firearms under applicable federal, state, and local laws may possess firearms in the park. It is the responsibility of the visitor to understand and comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws before entering the park. Federal law prohibits firearms in various facilities throughout the park; these places are marked with signs at all public entrances.

For more information, call (928) 467-2241.

Unmanned Aircraft Policy

Special Use Permits

Certain activities occurring in the park may require a Special Use Permit. Contact us at (928) 467-2241 with questions and for additional information.

Enabling Legislation

Establishment: Proclamation (No. 787) of December 19, 1907
Expansion: Proclamation (No. 2230) of April 1, 1937


Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Department of the Interior FOIA regulations, instructions, general information, and contact information can be found at the Department of the Interior's FOIA page.


Your Dollars at Work

The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (2004) allows the government to charge a fee for recreational use of public lands. The recreation fee program is a program by which fees paid by visitors to certain federal recreation sites are retained by the collecting site and used to improve the quality of the visitor experience at that site.

Last updated: August 14, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

26260 N AZ Hwy 188 Lot 2
Roosevelt, AZ 85545


928 467-2241

Contact Us