Books by Theodore Roosevelt

'African Game Trails' by Theodore Roosevelt

A prolific writer from early in his life, Theodore Roosevelt maintained journals as a boy and wrote speeches, articles, and books as an adult. The following is a chronological list of the books he wrote:

1882 The Naval War of 1812

1885 Hunting Trips of a Ranchman

1887 Thomas Hart Benton

1888 Essays on Practical Politics

1888 Gouverneur Morris

1888 Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail

1889 The Winning of the West

1891 New York

1893 The Wilderness Hunter

1893 American Big Game, with George Bird Grinnell

1894 The Winning of the West

1895 Hero Tales from American History, with Henry Cabot Lodge

1895 Hunting in Many Lands, with George Bird Grinnell

1897 American Ideals

1897 Some American Game

1897 Trail and Campfire, with George Bird Grinnell

1899 The Rough Riders

1900 Oliver Cromwell

1900 The Strenuous Life

1902 The Deer Family, with T.S. Van Dyke, D.G. Elliot, and A.J. Stone

1904 Addresses and Messages

1905 Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter

1905 The Winning of the West

1907 Good Hunting

1909 Outdoor Editorials

1910 African and European Addresses

1910 African Game Trails

1910 American Problems

1910 The New Nationalism

1910 Presidential Addresses and State Papers

1912 The Conservation of Womanhood and Childhood

1912 Realizable Goals

1913 Autobiography

1913 History as Literature

1913 Progressive Principles

1914 Through the Brazilian Wilderness

1914 African Game Animals, with Edmund Heller

1915 America and the World War

1916 A Book-Lovers Holiday in the Open

1916 Fear God and Take Your Own Part

1917 The Foes of Our Own Household

1917 Social Justice and Popular Rule

1917 National Strength and International Duty

1918 The Great Adventure

1919 Letters to His Children

Last updated: December 13, 2016

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