Showing 3 results for fractions ...
Graphic Fractions
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
The teacher will introduce the concept of voting. Lead whole group discussion of voting questions, such as "When will a woman be elected President of the United States". Poll students on a pre-selected group of issues, followed by a showing of the "graphing" video (see link). Divide the class into small groups or pairs to create graphs. Once graphs are posted around the classroom, each student will individually formulate fractions from each of the graphs for credit.
As Time Goes By
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Introduce timeline concept using the website on President Clinton. Give examples of an elapsed timeline from the site. Model creating a question and answer then discuss the assignment using example questions (feel free to create others at your discretion): 1. How much time elapsed between when President Clinton became Governor and then President? 2. How old was Bill Clinton when he became Governor of Arkansas? 3. How old was Bill Clinton when he became President of the United States?