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- Field Trips (23)
- Distance Learning (9)
- Student Activities (9)
- Other Education Materials (4)
- Teacher Reference Materials (3)
- Science Labs (1)
- Traveling Trunk (1)
- Cane River Creole National Historical Park (7)
- Fort Pulaski National Monument (7)
- Keweenaw National Historical Park (6)
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park (4)
- Weir Farm National Historical Park (4)
- Death Valley National Park (3)
- Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park (3)
- Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site (3)
- Petrified Forest National Park (3)
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Showing 79 results for PreVisitCARI ...
The People: Pre-1845
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
The People: Pre-1845
- Type: Teacher Reference Materials
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Pre-visit Graphic Organizer
Pre-visit Student Worksheet
Pre-visit Crossword Puzzle
Family Ties (Pre Visit)
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Economy and Trade: Pre 1845
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Fort Pulaski Pre-Visit Materials
Snowshoe Field Trip Pre-visit
- Type: Distance Learning
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Glen Haven Pre-visit Activity
- Type: Student Activities
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Fort Pulaski Pre-Visit Activity
Battle of New Orleans - PreVisit Activities
- Type: Student Activities
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade

Through a timeline and mapping activity, students will learn the major events of the War of 1812 and the New Orleans campaign and be able to put them into a timeline. They will understand the importance of water trade routes during the period and learn why New Orleans was such an important port---and a prize that Great Britain hoped to capture.
Pre and Post Field Trip Activities
Extreme Temperatures: Pre-Virtual Trip
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Pre-Visit Welcome Packet: Pre-Visit information for educational visits to Oakland and Magnolia Plantations
- Type: Teacher Reference Materials
- Grade Levels: Adult Education
Pre-Visit information for your educational trip to Oakland Plantation and/or Magnolia Plantation.
Cows in the Campground - Pre-Visit Writing Activity
- Type: Field Trips
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Students will read about the community of the Niobrara Valley prior to their field trip to develop an understanding of the significance of development and its co-existence with preservation of a natural resource. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the interrelationships contained in the river system by writing a descriptive essay based on an essay prompt of their choice.
Horsin' Around: Online Pre-visit Activity
- Type: Field Trips
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Through this online pre-visit activity, students will learn about different breeds of horses. Then they will create a PowerPoint presentation that provides information about a breed of horse. The class will then take a field trip to the Grant-Kohrs Ranch NHS or other type of ranch to interact with and see different breeds of horses.
Thriving in Death Valley Pre-Trip Activity
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Students will research animals that live in Death Valley National Park and create a presentation about the animals’ adaptations. Students will share their presentations with their classmates. After these presentations, students will compare and contrast two animals and their adaptations using a Venn diagram.
Elevation Above and Below Pre-Trip Activity
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

For this activity students will explore the way topographic maps are used to describe elevation such as “sea level,” “below sea level,” and “above sea level.” Students will compare and contrast side view diagrams of mountains and valleys to topographic maps. Students will use their own hands to create a topographic map of their own.