- Lesson Plan (18)
- Field Trips (7)
- Student Activities (3)
- Distance Learning (2)
- Guest Speakers (1)
- Other Education Materials (1)
- Teacher Reference Materials (1)
- Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site (5)
- Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park (4)
- Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (2)
- Herbert Hoover National Historic Site (2)
- Appomattox Court House National Historical Park (1)
- Brown v. Board of Education National Historical Park (1)
- Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site (1)
- First State National Historical Park (1)
- Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site (1)
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- Social Studies (25)
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Showing 30 results for Childhood ...
Abe’s Childhood Adventures
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
Theodore’s Childhood Influences
When George Washington Was a Child
Perspectives After the Surrender at Appomattox CH
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
This program will allow students to think about the different perspectives of those who lived through the Civil War, and how various viewpoints interpreted the events surrounding the Surrender Meeting at Appomattox. This program consists of several assignments designed to help students explore these differences through the stories of three people present at Appomattox Court House in 1865.
Exploring Theodore Roosevelt's Childhood Home
Growing up in the 18th Century
- Type: Field Trips
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Discover what it was like to be a child in the 18th century. This field trip takes place around The Dover Green.
How Theodore Roosevelt Became a Leader
Kindergarten | Sense Scientists
- Type: Field Trips
- Grade Levels: Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade

A child investigates the world and learns about his/her surroundings through the five senses. Shenandoah National Park is a great place to expand a child’s sense of wonder and develop observation skills through hands-on discovery and nature experiences. Students will learn stewardship behaviors and find ways they can help protect and preserve the environment.
Facing Adversity
From Iowa To The World
- Type: Field Trips ... Student Activities
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade

How did daily life of a rural community in the 1870s and 1880s compare to our own daily lives? Did events of Herbert Hoover's childhood motivate his career in public service? What did Herbert Hoover do to be recognized as a good citizen of the world? A visit to historic buildings from President Hoover's childhood helps answer these questions.
Analyzing Photographs of Theodore Roosevelt
Problems and Perspectives (Grades 9-12) Carl Sandburg Home NHS
Lincoln and Me: Exploring the Past and Present
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
George Washington Carver National Monument 3rd & 4th Grade Art and Essay Contest
- Type: Student Activities
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Ruth and the Green Book Lesson Plan
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
Assiniboine Children
- Type: Teacher Reference Materials
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Fort Union epitomizes the mutually advantageous interaction of American Indian and European American cultures associated with the fur-trading empire on the Upper Missouri region of the American frontier. This reference document describes aspects of Assiniboine life, Assiniboine childhood, and the tools used by adults.
Life on the Frontier: 4th - 5th grade
- Type: Guest Speakers
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

There are many questions people ask when they start learning about history. Frequently, those questions are about everyday experiences. What was it like to be a child growing up on the frontier? How did children get to school? What types of toys did children have to play with? How did they cook food?
The Spark of Bravery, A Fire of Discovery
- Type: Distance Learning ... Field Trips
- Grade Levels: High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade

One of the bravest men in American history, join us for 45-minutes as we take a look at the incredible life of Meriwether Lewis from childhood through the Corps of Discovery, to his final days along Natchez Trace. *This program briefly discusses his suicide, with minimal detail, and the National Suicide Prevention hotline contact information
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade

Students will understand how Sandburg used poetry to express his opinion on important events of his time such as labor rights and child labor laws. The students will use historic photographs to analyze some of Sandburg’s Chicago poems. Students will answer questions about the poems to demonstrate their understanding. (This lesson could also be used for high school.)
Lessons Learned In West Branch
- Type: Field Trips ... Student Activities
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade