Student Activities
- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
- Common Core Standards:
- 3.L.1, 3.L.2.a, 3.L.3, 4.L.1, 4.L.2, 4.L.3
- State Standards:
- Missouri State Standards
Writing: 1.A., 1.B, 1.C, 2.B
Language: 1.A, 1.B
National Visual Arts Standards – Media Arts:
Pr6.1.3; Pr8.1.3
Pr6.1.4; Pr8.1.4
Kindness is free, and we want to spread it everywhere!
Therefore, we invite your students to enter original artwork and essays inspired by the theme of kindness and the selected quote by George Washington Carver. This contest is open to 3rd and 4th graders. The entry deadline is February 14, 2025.
Theme - Kindness
Based on the theme of kindness and George Washington Carver’s quote: "Unkindness to anything mean an injustice done to that thing. If I am unkind to you I do you an injustice, or wrong you in some way. On the other hand, if I try to assist you in every way that I can to make a better citizen and in every way to do my very best for you, I am kind to you." George Washington Carver (1914, January 31). Being Kind to the Soil, Negro Farmer, 29. [For reference, the full quote follows.]Kindness full quote:
“Unkindness to anything means an injustice done to that thing. If I am unkind to you I do you an injustice, or wrong you in some way. On the other hand, if I try to assist you in every way that I can to make a better citizen and in every way to do my very best for you, I am kind to you….. The above principles apply with equal force to the soil. The farmer whose soil produces less every year, is unkind to it in some way; that is, he is not doing by it what he should; he is robbing it of some substance it must have, and he becomes, therefore, a soil robber than a progressive farmer.”
Entry Rules and Submission
ART- Open to all 3rd-4th graders
- 3rd & 4th grade entries judged together
- Limit one art category entry and one essay per student
- Art judged in three categories: 2-D, 3-D, or groups (3-5 students)
- 2-D or 3-D artwork limited to 24” on any side
- Submit by mail, in person, or email one photo as .jpg or .pdf
- Cover page and release statement must be included with each entry
- Entry postmark deadline is February 14, 2025
- Open to all 3rd-4th graders
- 3rd & 4th grade entries will be judged separately by grade
- Limit one art category entry and one essay per student
- Essays limited to 500 words, typed or hand-written
- Submit by mail, in person, or email one file as .doc, .pdf, or .jpg
- Cover page and release statement must be included with each entry
- The entry postmark deadline is February 14, 2025
Awards – An awards ceremony and reception is set for March 29, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. First place art winners receive a voucher to attend an art class at Spiva Center for the Arts. First place essay winners receive a George Washington Carver biography. First, second, and third place winners in each category receive a medal and all participants receive an official certificate.
Special guest: Roary the Lion from MSSU will join the awards fun! Get your photo taken with Roary! Refreshments will be served.
Teacher Resources
- Carver the Artist lesson plans Educator Resources - Teachers (U.S. National Park Service) ( (call or email to have this sent to you)
- Film (12 min.): George Washington Carver, A Man of Character
- Virtual Visits with park rangers and park volunteers to discuss the theme; contact the park to schedule
- Art and Essay webpage
- Education Standards Missouri State Standards Writing 1.A., 1.B, 1.C, 2.B Language: 1.A, 1.B National Visual Arts Standards – Media Arts Pr6.1.3, Pr8.1.3, Pr6.1.4, Pr8.1.4
The George Washington Carver National Monument 3rd & 4th Grade Art and Essay Contest is generously supported by Department of Teacher Education - Missouri Southern State University, Carver Birthplace Association, Spiva Center for the Arts, and Volunteers In Parks at the park. Thanks to each and every one!
George Washington Carver National Monument preserves the birthplace and childhood home of George Washington Carver, renowned scientist and educator who was also a prolific letter writer and artist. This contest strengthens writing skills and encourages artistic expression.
Send submission to:
For questions call 417-325-4151
George Washington Carver National Monument
5646 Carver Road
Diamond MO 64840
Cover Page and Release Statement
Student Name _________________________________
Grade Level _______
School Name _______________________________________________
Title of Artwork or Essay ________________________________________
Teacher Name _______________________________________________
Teacher Email _____________________________ Telephone ____________
I declare and affirm that I am the person who created the work submitted and that I consent to the art and/or essay being entered in the Art and Essay Contest and for it to be displayed, should it win 1st-3rd place, on the George Washington Carver National Monument website and/or in other publications at George Washington Carver National Monument.
Student signature ____________________________________
Date _____________________
This teacher packet contains the theme, entry rules and submission, cover page and release statement, and two primary documents to support student research and work.
Lesson plans
Last updated: January 7, 2025