Field Trips
- Grade Level:
- Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
- Subject:
- Social Studies
Price: FREE
Length: 60 Minutes
Location: New Castle, Delaware
Interactive Underground Railroad program for students that can accompany the “Emeline’s Journey” tour or stand alone. Student choose item they would take with them if they were a runaway enslaved person.
Students have a variety of items from faux food, clothing, household goods, knives, Bible, toys, rope, cloth, tools and others representing items an enslaved person may own or have at their home all contained in a large basket. Each student chooses one item he/she thinks would be important to take or necessary for survival if they were running away. Students and guide discuss why they picked the item and its importance.
About the New Castle Court House Museum:
Visitors to the New Castle Court House Museum learn about Delaware’s colonial and state history, early European settlements, development of the systems of law and government, and the Delaware Underground Railroad right where those events happened. Group tours of 10 or more visitors must make reservation for museum tours in advance by emailing the site supervisor or calling 302-323-4453. There are no admission fees for tours.
Last updated: September 1, 2021