Last updated: August 13, 2018
Lesson Plan
Wax Museum

- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 30 Minutes
- State Standards:
- North Carolina State Standards:
4.C.2.1 Use improvisation to tell stories and express ideas.
4.CU.1.2 Create theatrical works that exemplify aspects of the culture, beliefs and history of North Carolina.
Essential Question
Do we connect to a historical event better through reading about it or by experiencing it?
The student will be able to:
• Recreate the scene of the first successful flight with the Wright brothers and the 5 witnesses that were present.
• Use improvisation to role play what that event looked like.
This activity takes place at the site of the 7 statues in the park that depict the actual moment before the first flight. Orville Wright is the pilot and Wilbur is beside the plane. John Daniels, a surfman from the Kill Devil Hills Life-Saving station is behind the camera; 2 other surfmen were present, W.S. Dough and A.D. Etheridge; a lumberman from Manteo, W.C. Brinkley; and a young boy, Johnny Moore of Nags Head.
Using some of the suggested books in the resource section of this plan, students should have general knowledge about the Wright brothers and their experiments. They should also be familiar with the job of surfmen on the Outer Banks at that time. See link under additional resources for information about surfmen. Students might possibly research the witnesses before coming to the park so they will have prior knowledge about each individual.
For this activity students will need to read the provided “Setting the Scene” narrative. To access the materials and the full lesson plan, follow the link below.
Lesson Hook/Preview
Do we connect to a historical event better through reading about it or by experiencing it?
1. Take students to the south side of the park to view the memorial statues. Give them an opportunity to read the historical panels and explore each statue.
2. Call the group together and see what they noticed about each statue. Elicit questions about their facial expressions, clothing, why is the boy barefoot in December? Why were each of the 5 witnesses there?
3. Set the scene. Read or tell about that particular moment in time using the “Setting the Scene” narrative. Use expression to make the scene dramatic.
4. Ask students what thoughts or feelings these historical figures might be experiencing at this particular moment. How might you describe their physical and emotional feelings? After some discussion, ask if there are volunteers that might like to act out what they think may have happened next.
5. Ask if students are familiar with a Wax Museum. Wax figures are perfectly still and suddenly become animated telling about their lives. Relate this activity to that except their role will be to act out what they think each figure did as soon as the Wright Flyer got off of the ground.
6. Have volunteers take their places beside each figure and strike the same pose. Go to each figure and have them become animated with the action and words they think that figure may have used. After each one has performed individually, have them all repeat it at once, as if it actually happened. See if others might have a different version to act out. Repeat as necessary until all students that are willing have had an opportunity to perform.
Witness - One asked to be present at a transaction so as to be able to testify to its having taken place.
Wax museum - A place where wax effigies (as of famous historical persons) are exhibited.
Surfmen - One who is skilled in handling a boat in surf.
Assessment Materials
Concluding Questions:What do you think the people that lived on the Outer Banks thought of the 2 inventors and their flying machine? Explain how you came to that conclusion.
Do you think the Wright brothers would have been successful without the help of the Outer Banks community? Explain.
Enrichment Activities
• Students could write and perform a play depicting this historical event. This could be done in groups or responsibilities shared with props, scenery, etc.
• Reader’s Theater performance.
• Students research the importance of surfmen at the Life-Saving stations on the Outer Banks and what their jobs entailed.
Additional Resources
Who Were the Wright Brothers? James Buckley, Jr
The Wright Brothers’ Glider Gerry Bailey and Karen Foster
You Wouldn’t Want to Be on the First Flying Machine! Ian Graham
The Wright Brothers: Inventors Whose Ideas Really Took Flight Mike Venezia