Field Trips
- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- State Standards:
- History Standard Four; History Standard Three 6-8a; History Standard Three 4-5a; Civics Standard Two 4-5a
Price: FREE
Length: 60 Minutes
Location: New Castle, Delaware
Students role-play an historic adaptation of the Delaware manslaughter trial of William White. After hearing the witnesses, the jury will have to determine the guilt or innocence of Mr. White remembering that they do not have the benefits of modern forensics.
Below is a list of standards and the corresponding essential question that this program will focus on.
- Civics Standard Two 4-5a: Students will understand that a society based on the ideals of individual liberty requires a commitment in the part of its citizens to the principles of civic responsibility and personal civility.
- Essential Question: What makes a good citizen? How do I know if I am one? What happens if enough people are not good citizens?
- History Standard Three 4-5a: Students will explain why historical accounts of the same events sometimes differ and will relate this explanation to the evidence presented or the point-of-view of the author.
- Essential Question: How could there be different explanations of the same event in history?
- History Standard Three 6-8a: Students will compare different historians’ descriptions of the same societies in order to examine how the choice of questions and use of sources may effect their conclusions.
- Essential Question: Why might historians disagree about the same historical event?
- Essential Question: To what extent does history change?
- History Standard Four: Students will develop historical knowledge of major events and phenomena in the world, United States and Delaware history.
About the New Castle Court House Museum:
Visitors to the New Castle Court House Museum learn about Delaware’s colonial and state history, early European settlements, development of the systems of law and government, and the Delaware Underground Railroad right where those events happened. Group tours of 10 or more visitors must make reservation for museum tours in advance by emailing the site supervisor or calling 302-323-4453. There are no admission fees for tours.
Last updated: September 1, 2021