Field Trips

Rights, Rules and Privileges

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
Civics Standard Three 4-6a; Civics Standard Three 4-6a

Price: FREE
Length: 60 Minutes
Location: New Castle, Delaware

This program explores the differences between rights, rules and privileges and the need for government and laws. Students have to determine if something is a right, a rule or a privilege.

  • Civics Standard Three 4-6a: Students will understand that American citizens have distinct responsibilities (such as voting), rights (such as free speech and freedom of religion), and privileges (such as driving).
    • Essential Question: What is the nature of a privilege? What do you have to do to earn or lose a privilege?
    • Essential Question: What is the relationship between my rights and my responsibilities?
  • Civics Standard Three 4-6a:
    • Essential Question: Why are rights in the Bill of Rights important to American citizens?
    • Essential Question: To what extent are the rights of American citizens limited?
    • Essential Question: In what ways is the Bill of Rights applied in everyday life?

About the New Castle Court House Museum: 

Visitors to the New Castle Court House Museum learn about Delaware’s colonial and state history, early European settlements, development of the systems of law and government, and the Delaware Underground Railroad right where those events happened. Group tours of 10 or more visitors must make reservation for museum tours in advance by emailing the site supervisor or calling 302-323-4453. There are no admission fees for tours.

Last updated: September 1, 2021