Student Activities
- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Science
- State Standards:
- GA S4E4A.C. S4E2.B.
Students will learn about the scientific instrument called a barometer. They will be able to create their own barometer at home and record atmospheric pressure data.
Scientists who study the weather are called Meteorologists. Meteorologists collect weather data to create an accurate weather forecast. A Barometer is an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure. It is used in forecasting the weather and determining altitude. Low pressure systems usually mean stormy weather, and high-pressure systems mean clear weather. Atmospheric Pressure is the weight of the atmosphere pressing down on Earth. It has an average value of one atmosphere (1 atmosphere = 1 atm) at sea level but decreases with increasing altitude. It is also called barometric pressure.
Materials Needed:
An empty glass jar or a tin can
A latex balloon (new, not used!)
Rubber bands
Adhesive tape
2 plastic drinking straws
2 pieces of Cardstock paper
Watch Cumberland Island’s Weather Curriculum.
Print Weather Activity.
Create your own Barometer.
Over a short period of time, collect and record local atmospheric pressure data.
Additional Resources:
weather, climate, science, meteorology, barometer, atmospheric pressure, low pressure, high pressure, forecast, altitude, elevation, atmospheres, pascals, millimeters of mercury
weather, science, citizen science, make your own
Students will learn how to make their own Barometer at home.
Last updated: March 24, 2021