Field Trips

How the Native Americans Lived

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
History Standard Four: Students will develop historical knowledge of major events and phenomena in world, United States and Delaware history.

Price: FREE
Length: 60 Minutes
Location: New Castle, Delaware

Using models, artifacts and replicas, students will learn about Native American life along the Delaware River before Europeans arrived. Tools, hunting weapons, clothing and shelters will be discussed during the session. Native life will be compared and contrasted to the way we live today. After demonstrating how Lenapes made items from natural resources including shells, bones, sinew and stones, students will have hands-on activities including grinding corn.

About the New Castle Court House Museum: 

Visitors to the New Castle Court House Museum learn about Delaware’s colonial and state history, early European settlements, development of the systems of law and government, and the Delaware Underground Railroad right where those events happened. Group tours of 10 or more visitors must make reservation for museum tours in advance by emailing the site supervisor or calling 302-323-4453. There are no admission fees for tours.

Last updated: September 1, 2021