Field Trips

Flight to Freedom on the Underground Railroad: Emeline’s Journey

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
History Standard One 4-5a; History Standard Three 4-5a; History Standard One 6-8a; History Standard One 9-12a; History Standard Four

Price: FREE
Length: 60 Minutes
Location: New Castle, Delaware

An interactive overview of slavery and abolition in Delaware told through the compelling story of enslaved Emeline Hawkins and her family, and their escape to freedom on the Underground Railroad.

This program can be adjusted for students from 4th grade to 12 grade. Below is a list of the standard and the matching essential question for that age group. 

  • History Standard One 4-5a: Students will study historical events and persons within a given time-frame in order to create a chronology and identify related cause and effect factors.
    • Essential Question: To what extent does one event always lead to another event?
  • History Standard Three 4-5a: Students will explain why historical accounts of the same events sometimes differ and will relate this explanation to the evidence presented or the point-of-view of the author.
    • Essential Question: How could there be different explanations of the same event in history?
  • History Standard One 6-8a: Students will examine historical materials relating to a particular region, society or theme; analyze change over time; and make logical inferences concerning cause and effect.
    • Essential Question: Is change inevitable?
    • Essential Question: To what extent does the past predict the future?
    • Essential Question: What’s the evidence for my conclusions?
  • History Standard One 9-12a: Students will analyze historical materials to trace the development of an idea or trend across space or over a prolonged period of time in order to explain patterns of historical continuity and change.
    • Essential Question: Were contemporary issues also problematic for past societies? Why are those issues difficult? Is there a pattern of continuity or change?
    • Essential Question: To what extent can we learn from studying historical responses to societal problems?
  • History Standard Four: Students will develop historical knowledge of major events and phenomena in world, United States and Delaware history.

About the New Castle Court House Museum: 

Visitors to the New Castle Court House Museum learn about Delaware’s colonial and state history, early European settlements, development of the systems of law and government, and the Delaware Underground Railroad right where those events happened. Group tours of 10 or more visitors must make reservation for museum tours in advance by emailing the site supervisor or calling 302-323-4453. There are no admission fees for tours.

Last updated: September 1, 2021