Student Activities
- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Science
- Common Core Standards:
- 6-8.RST.3
- State Standards:
- GA S4E4.A.C. S4E2.B.
Students will learn about the scientific method, how to collect weather data, and collect their own weather data. They will be able to differentiate between weather and climate and learn what goes in to making an accurate weather forecast.Background:
Scientists who study the weather are called Meteorologists. Meteorologists collect weather data to create an accurate weather forecast. Weather is the short-term atmospheric condition of an area, while climate is an area’s average weather over a long period of time, such as months or years. It is important to know your local weather conditions to ensure safe recreation. Students will measure temperature, air quality, precipitation, cloud cover, wind speed, and wind direction. They can also compare their local weather to Cumberland Island’s weather. They will be able to predict the future weather.Materials Needed:
Weather JournalPencil
Rain gauge
Internet access to check weather sites
1. Watch Cumberland Island’s Weather Curriculum.2. Print Weather Journal.
3. Over a short period of time, collect and record local weather data.
4. Create your own weather instrument activity sheet.
Additional Resources:
weather, climate, science, meteorology, temperature, precipitation, air quality, humidity, cumulus, cirrus, stratus, nimbostratus, cumulonimbus, Beaufort scale, anemometerMaterials
Students will learn how to collect weather data and predict the weather.
Last updated: March 24, 2021