Last updated: July 29, 2019
Lesson Plan
- Grade Level:
- High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
- Subject:
- Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 90 Minutes
- Common Core Standards:
- 8.RI.1, 8.RI.2, 8.RI.3, 8.RI.4, 8.RI.5, 8.RI.8, 6-8.RH.1, 6-8.RH.2, 6-8.RH.3, 6-8.RH.4, 9-10.RI.1, 9-10.RI.2, 9-10.RI.3, 9-10.RI.4, 9-10.RI.5, 9-10.RH.2, 9-10.RH.4, 9-10.RH.5, 11-12.RI.1, 11-12.RI.2, 11-12.RI.3, 11-12.RI.4, 11-12.RI.5, 11-12.RI.6, 11-12.RH.1, 11-12.RH.2, 11-12.RH.4, 11-12.RH.5
- State Standards:
US.1.5, C. Historical and Cultural Perspective.
World Geography
Standard 4 – Place
WG.4.5 - Additional Standards:
- National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)
Ia, Ib, Ic, IIa, IIc - Thinking Skills:
- Understanding: Understand the main idea of material heard, viewed, or read. Interpret or summarize the ideas in own words. Analyzing: Break down a concept or idea into parts and show the relationships among the parts.
Essential Question
What is the effect of the meeting of cultures?
Analyze a textual reading through use of a visual organizer/summary worksheet.
Achieve a deeper understanding of the creation of new culture by the intersection of older cultures.
In this lesson students will closely analyze readings to which they were introduced in the previous lesson. These readings will increase their understanding of creole culture and the process of creolization. Many of the ideas will be challenging, and involve issues of racism and colonization.
Teachers should read all student readings and review keys.
These are the same readings as provided in Lesson 3. They tend to be complex, and so some learners might require assistance such as a whole class oral reading with discussion.
This is the organizer and questions to be given to students. It’s purpose is to lead them through the readings and assist them in analysis of the readings.
Download Text Reading- Organizer-Questions…
This document gives you a copy of the organizer with suggested answers. You might decide to accept alternate answers due to the complexity of the reading.
Lesson Hook/Preview
Step 1 below can act as the preview.
- Review the short activity from the previous lesson.
- If the short activity was not completed, do it now as a discussion.
- Have students turn to the relevant pages in the text Le Ker Creole for each reading: CREOLITÉ, NOTES ON LISTENING AND READING, CREOLIZATION IN THE SPANISH ERA, AMERICANIZATION.
- Discuss the following. You might wish to do this separately for each section, though that will take more time.
- To focus students you could create a word document and type in their answers. If this lesson is being used in more than one class that would allow you to share answers across classes.
- Do you feel you understood the reading(s)?
- What words did you not understand?
- What was clear?
- What was unclear?
- What questions do you have about the reading? Write at least two.
- What is one thing you learned?
- Initial reading (which should have been done in the previous lesson) takes about 20 minutes. Count on re-reading and completion of today’s activity to take 20 to 30 minutes. Students who work at a slower pace can benefit from the 5/5/10/5 method. Students work alone for 5 minutes, compare for five, work alone again for 5 more, compare for 10, etc.
- Students will use organizers to analyze the passages.
- The purpose of the organizer is to require students to look at the reading carefully and then to put it into a visually organized form. Students often find this initially challenging. For that reason only the shortest reading will be in that form. The next three will be done as paragraph summations with a guiding question or two for each paragraph.
- It will require some academic skill to complete them without assistance.
- Teacher could also project the organizer and do them as a whole class discussion.
- The readings consist of four sections from the text. They are also provided as a handout under LESSON MATERIALS.
- READING #1: Creolité
- READING #2: Louisiana Creole: Notes on Listening & Reading
- READING #3: Creolization in the Spanish Colonial Era
- READING #4: Americanization
- Distribute the organizers. Do one or two questions as a class to get started. Have students continue.
- Readings could be done directly from the text, or printed out from the provided handout. The FRST READING is examined through use of the organizer. The OTHER READINGS are examined by summing up various paragraphs as instructed on the sheet.
- If you did the reading/organizers (step 2) as a whole class activity, you have already completed this step.
- Project a blank copy of the organizer. A key is provided under LESSON MATERIALS but you may decide to accept other phrasing by students.
- Ask students for their responses.
- Have the class agree on answers, but allow students to disagree and keep their own answers if they wish.
- When the worksheet has been completed, move to CLOSURE.
4. CLOSURE. (Also suitable for homework.)
- This activity will check for student comprehension without necessitating collection of the organizers. Students will keep their organizers and use them to complete their study guides later in the unit.
- Give these instructions to the students. You should now have a firm grasp of creolité and the process of creolization. In a paragraph of at least seven sentences. Define the two concepts, give examples to illustrate, and cite some items from Louisiana history that caused the process of creolization to occur.
- For students with greater of lesser academic skills, you may wish to increase or reduce the requirements. The typical Grade 8 class is capable of completing the seven sentences.
- ACADIAN: A descendant of the French-speaking inhabitants of Acadia, French colonies in Canada, expelled after the French loss of the colony in 1755.
- AMERICANIZATION: The process of becoming more culturally “American” as in Anglo-United States
- CREOLE: Something with Old World roots that is created in the New World. A culture created in America from Old World African and European, and New World Indigenous people and cultures. ADDITONAL INFO: “Créolité movement in the Caribbean claimed creoleness as a continuousprocess of hybridization (“Neither Europeans, nor Africans, nor Asians, we proclaim ourselves Creoles”)”
- CREOLITE/CREOLIZATION: The creation in the New World of a new culture from the clash of European, Indigenous, and African cultures. Creolite as a noun: Cultural forms created by Creolization, such as “Cuban Creolité” or “Haitian Creolité”. ADDITONAL INFO: “Créolité movement in the Caribbean claimed creoleness as a continuous process of hybridization (“Neither Europeans, nor Africans, nor Asians, we proclaim ourselves Creoles”)”
- KRÉYOL (LANGUAGE): Alternative spelling of CREOLE, specifically referring to the language and culture. Specifically it is a language that arose from the clash of French and African languages.
- MALO: Bad, Wrong, ILL.
- MAROON: (noun): A legally enslaved person who escapes to a semi-permanent life of freedom lived in an isolated region within slave territory. Maroons do not escape to free territory, but instead establish a free society within an enslaved area.
- OPPRESSION: The unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power.
- POWER: Ability to direct or influence the behavior of others.
- RESISTANCE: Refusal to comply or obey.
- SAN: Saint
- SAN MALÓ: A man who escaped slavery and established free communities in the swamp regions of southeastern Louisiana.
- ZYDECO: A folk music of southern Louisiana that combines elements of French, African, and Caribbean music, and the blues, and that features accordion, washboard, and guitar.
Assessment Materials
NONE: No assessments for this lessonYou may decide to use the ORGANIZER and page of questions as an assessment, but it is suggested that students keep the organizer for use on a quiz at the end of the unit.
Supports for Struggling Learners
- The readings for this lesson are highly complex. Students with reading difficulties will have difficulty, as will typical students in grades 8 and 9.
- To provide assistance do the organizers as whole class lessons with students reading a short section and then offering possible answers before you reveal correct answers.
- There is also the 5/10/15 method that is explained under PROCEDURES.