Lesson Plan

Civil Rights Leaders Bingo

Two BINGO cards, with chips marking locations on cards.
Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
Lesson Duration:
30 Minutes
Thinking Skills:
Remembering: Recalling or recognizing information ideas, and principles. Understanding: Understand the main idea of material heard, viewed, or read. Interpret or summarize the ideas in own words. Analyzing: Break down a concept or idea into parts and show the relationships among the parts.

Essential Question

What makes a leader?


At the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify Civil Rights Leaders who served at national, state, and local levels.


Materials Needed:

  • BINGO cards (Email Us to be sent PDF documents)
  • Calling Cards (Email Us to be sent PDF documents)
  • Marking Chips OR writing tool (if you do not want to reuse cards)
  • Container for Calling Cards pieces to draw from

Before the lesson:

  • Gather/print necessary materials
  • Cut Calling Cards into separate cards and place in container


  1. Hand each student a BINGO card. There are 25 different BINGO cards, try to give each student a different card if possible. 
  2. Explain the basic BINGO rules to students if you have not played before. The center Jr. Ranger space is a free space. 
  3. Select one of the Calling Cards from your container and read the biography first to the students. Give them a chance to take a guess at who this person is, if it is a person that you have studied as a class. Many of these your students will already know, but some will be new to them. 
  4. Tell students the name of the person, and allow them to mark it off on their sheet if it is on their BINGO card. Not all cards will have every name. 
  5. Continue this until one student achieves a BINGO. We recommend playing for three regular BINGO, and one blackout board BINGO. However, you can play until all of the names have been read. 
  6. Have a group reflection where students are able to share what they found to be insuring, and meaningful to them. Ask students to connect what all of these people have in common. Ask your essential question: What makes a leader?

Reflection Questions:

  1. What do these leaders have in common?
  2. Which of these people did you feel the strongest connection to? Why?
  3. Do you know any local leaders from your town?
  4. Would you include another person in this game? Who?
  5. What can you do to make changes for you community, like these leaders did?


Rights: A moral or legal entitlement 
Civil Rights: The rights afforded to every person by the government under which they live
Human Rights: The rights of every person, regardless of where they live

Contact Information

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Last updated: December 24, 2022