Distance Learning

Chat with a Ranger at Eisenhower National Historic Site (Virtual Program, Grades 5-12)

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
PA Standards 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4

Want to learn about working in the history field? Curious about what life is like as a Park Ranger? Want to learn more about World War II? Or how about learning more about the many jobs done by the president?

Schedule a time for one of our NPS rangers to virtually join you and your students for a fun conversation about the National Park Service, the Eisenhower National Historic Site, and working in the field of history!

This program can accommodate numerous age levels and is designed to give your students an opportunity to learn about the National Park Service, presidential history, and working in the history field first-hand in a fun, informal format with one of our staff members!


This program is offered for grades 5-12. 

Length of Program:

This program is 30-45 minutes in length.

How to Schedule:

Contact us and set up a time for this free virtual program. 

Last updated: March 5, 2025