Field Trips

Build Your Own National Park

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Science,Social Studies
State Standards:
1st Grade: SS1G1, SS1E2, Map and Globe Skills (1)

2nd Grade: SS2CG1, Map and Globe Skills (2), S2E3 (a)(b)

3rd Grade: SS3CG2 (a,b), SS3E2, Map and Globe Skills (4), S3L2 (a)(b)

4th Grade: SS4CG1 (c), Map and Globe Skills (6,7)

What is a National Park?

National Parks are places that represent America’s beauty, wildlife, history and people. They also represent our heritage. They protect fragile or unique ecosystems, wildlife habitat, human-made or natural structures, waterways, and riparian zones. Each park has one or more of these features, which is why it is protected. Students will work in teams to create their very own National Park using arts and crafts materials, recycled items, or even the natural envrionment itself. 

What you Need to Know About This Program: 

  • This program is FREE! 
  • You must complete and submit the Field Trip Request form at the bottom of our education page.  This must be completed at two weeks prior to your intended visitation date
  • To see what dates are available, please visit our online calendar
  • If your school group exceeds 30 students, special arrangements may be required (i.e, group rotations and other logistics)
  • Groups over 65 may require multiple days
  • The viewing of our 35-minute film can be included in your field trip.


Last updated: August 19, 2024