Distance Learning

What is a Buffalo Soldier to Wear?

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
Ohio 3.SS.1, 3.SS.2, 4.SS.9, 4.SS.11, 5.SS.5, 5.SS.6, 5.SS.10

Army regulations determine what soldiers can wear. Between 1866 and 1902, the Buffalo Soldiers experienced a variety of climates as they were stationed out west and abroad. How did Army regulations adapt their uniform policies based on the firsthand experiences of the soldiers?

Students will take on the role of the Generals in the Army in charge of military uniforms. They will help decide what changes, if any, are needed to the Buffalo Soldiers uniforms as they are stationed in areas of different climates.

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Last updated: July 4, 2023