Last updated: March 24, 2022
Lesson Plan
Biomes and Climates of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

- Grade Level:
- Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
- Subject:
- Science
- Lesson Duration:
- 60 Minutes
- Common Core Standards:
- 3.L.1, 4.L.1, 5.L.1
- State Standards:
- Nebraska State Standards:
Iowa State Standards:
RI.4. 1,2,3,6,7 - Thinking Skills:
- Remembering: Recalling or recognizing information ideas, and principles. Analyzing: Break down a concept or idea into parts and show the relationships among the parts. Creating: Bring together parts (elements, compounds) of knowledge to form a whole and build relationships for NEW situations.
Essential Question
What are some characteristics of the different biomes Lewis and Clark encountered as they traveled across the United States?
Students will understand that a biome is a large naturally occurring community of plants and animals
Students will understand climate is prevailing weather conditions in an area over a long period of time
Students will understand Lewis and Clark encountered different biomes and climates as they traveled across the United States.
Students will be able to identify the different biomes associated with different sections of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail.
Review the attached Biomes and Climate of the Lewis and Clark Expedition lesson plan. Review the virtual field trip Google slides linked to the lesson plan.
Download Biomes of the Lewis and Clark Expedition- Student Processing Sheet
Download Information- Biomes of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lesson Hook/Preview
Get ready! We’re going on a field trip today – along the whole Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail!
Step 1: Teachers, review the field trip lesson plan, student processing sheet, and virtual field trip slides, and student processing sheet.
Step 2: Tell students that the class will be taking a virtual field trip today, following the Lewis and Clark Trail across the entire country!
Step 3: Review the vocabulary terms “biome” and “climate.”
Step 4: Instruct students to open the Google slide deck and embark, on their own, to discover the vast range of climates and biomes Lewis and Clark encountered on their journey west.
Step 5: If working as a class-unit or group, have students share out observations they’ve made, or what questions they still have, about the climates about biomes of the Lewis and Clark Trail.
Biome: A large naturally occurring community of flora (plants) and fauna (animals) occupying a major habitat, e.g. forest or tundra. Or, the plants and animals typically found in a habitat.
Climate: The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period. Or, the expected average weather in an area at a certain time.
Review the attached Biomes and Climate of the Lewis and Clark Expedition lesson plan. Review the virtual field trip Google slides linked to the lesson plan.
Assessment Materials
Formative assessments are included in the Virtual Field Trip Slides.
Additional Resources
Ambrose, S. E. (2016). Undaunted courage. Simon & Schuster Ltd.
Herbert, J. (2000). Lewis and Clark for kids their journey of discovery with 21 activities. Chicago Review Press.
Johnsgard, P. A. (2003). Lewis and Clark on the Great Plains: a natural history. Bison.
(Images) Jerrold R Warren Photography (Used with permission from the photographer)