Lesson Plan

Archeology at City Point, Petersburg National Battlefield

Drawing of Hare House
Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes

Essential Question

How can close examination of archeological artifacts help us learn about over 12,000 years of human history at Petersburg National Battlefield?


1) Explore how archeology reveals information about past life in different eras throughout the park's several locations.
2) Study artifacts and complete activities to deepen your understanding.


This series contains informal learning activities about different eras in human history at Petersburg. Work through each one with your learners to get a sense of how archeological artifacts tell us about people in those times.

For more information, visit the Petersburg National Battlefield website.


Review each informal learning activity for background information, questions, and links to artifacts.



Each informal activity is self-contained. Follow the activity from start to finish.

Contact Information

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Last updated: December 18, 2023